Make Noise!

  • Send a letter to the president
    I'm sure he'd love to hear from you.

  • Send a letter to Hillary
    Some people think this is the real way to make an impact.

  • Send a letter to the vice president
    What the hell; it couldn't hurt.

  • Send a letter to a member of Congress
    Check out congress' site for emailing their members. Feel free to tell them what you think as well. Better yet, also start writing letters to the heads of the tabacco industry and other corporate big-wigs. They could be the biggest influence on how the country is run.

  • Vote Smart
    Want to find out who your senators, reps, and other elected officials are? Already know who they are but want to know what they've been up to? This is a good place to find out.

  • The Unofficial Oval Office Cam

    Suggested letter topic (read: complaint)
    of the minute/hour/day/week/month/year/elected term:

  • Women's (lack of ) Rights in Afganistan:
    Do you think that women should be able to go to school, work outside of the home, look out their windows and generally be heard or seen? Then please tell our officials and the UN about it. 11.5 some million women and girls who live under this sort of tyranny and fear such dangers as being stoned to death for not being covered head to toe in a burga. Want more grisley information? Look here.
  • Phone Charge for Internet Access:
    Word on the street is (according to CNN) that the government will be deciding if there should be a fee equal to a long distance charge on our phone bills each time we access the internet. The decision should be made in a few weeks, so if this concerns you, now is the time to speak out! Be sure to drop the prez a line using the form above and if you want to gripe to congress, there is a site here to help you harangue your rep about this.

  • Proposed mandatory labelling for genetically altered foods:
    If you think it would be nice to know if that whatever you've been eating has some of
    "Blinky" the 3 eye goldfish's genes sprinkled on top of it, you might want to push for legislation that requires labelling genetically altered food products. Regardless of whether you think it's a spiffy idea or not, it would be ideal for consumers to make an informed choice, no?
    I figure if the package is going to tell me how much fat a food item has and what color dye the company used to make it more attractive why can't I know if my leg of mutton has been cloned?
    More seriously though, if you would also like to be informed of this, then I suggest dropping a line to congress, the FDA and USDA.

  • Here is an overview of the topic.
  • Bio-Integrity is a group that is fighting genetical engineering of food.

  • "Security and Freedom through Encryption" act
    Basically the act considers software that encodes your documents, and thus, your privacy, something of a "controlled substance" and declares it illegal.
    Want to read someone else argue about it first? Here's an article. Not enough? Here's another one.

  • Electronic Privacy Information Center

  • Center for Democracy and Technology

    Who What Where and WHY? Government Internet Sites:

  • The Constitution of the United States of America
  • The United States Code
  • Supreme Court Decisions
  • Thomas - The Congressional Legislative Information site

    Don't want to send your issues via email?

  • Center for Constitutional Rights:
    666 Broadway
    New York, NY 10012
    212.614.6499 (fax)

  • Write a senator:
    The Honorable (full name)
    __(Rm.#)__(name of)Senate Office Building
    United States Senate
    Washington, DC 20510 
  • Call the Senate: (202) 224-3121

  • Write a Representative:
    The Honorable (full name)
    __(Rm.#)__(name of)Senate Office Building
    United States House of Representatives
    Washington, DC 20515

  • Call the House of Representatives: (202) 225-3121
  • Bug the FDA:
    Dr. Michael Friedman
    Lead Deputy Commissioner
    Food and Drug Administration
    5600 Fishers Lane, Room 1471
    Rockville, MD 20857 
    (No form letters)

    ..or just forget the whole thing and become a Socialist.

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