02/01/00 05:43:19
Name: Miss Understanding | My URL: Visit Me |
Favorite activist site: Adbusters (both political & activist) | Party affiliation: Secret, what's yours? |
I have a new mail art/zine submission forum up on my web page, please browse if looking for projects to contribute to, or if you have one to publicize.
01/13/99 20:51:54
Name: Maargaret C. Rigsby | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Website: The Darkness Within |
Revolutionary affiliation: I am a revolutionary! |
Afterthought, I do not know if this is true or not but I guess no harm will come to post it here (it seems an appropriate place):
Subj: Internet Surcharge
Date: 1/9/99 2:53:11 PM Central Standard Time
From: Destee@aol.com
To: Destee@aol.com
Hello Everyone,
CNN stated that the government will be deciding in the next few weeks whether to allow or not allow a charge to our phone bill equal to a long distance charge each time we access the internet.
Please visit the web address below and take the time to fill out the necessary form. I just did it and it only took about 5 minutes. You will have to pick your state, provide your zip code. Your representative's screen will appear and at the bottom of it
here will be an option to write him/her. When you get to that screen you will be prompted for your name and address (they will create a "mailbox" for you) and then you will be forwarded to an email form page to write to your rep. Tell your representative
o vote "no" on this issue.
Write Your Representative - Lookup Representative
If each of us shares this message and fills out this form, we may be able to prevent this charge from happening.
The look up link is: http://www.house.gov/writerep/
01/13/99 20:38:54
Name: Margaret C. Rigsby | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Website: Kat's Poetry |
Revolutionary affiliation: yes |
I wanted to let you know that I like your site and that I tried to vote on it for starting point and I could not get the link to work. I had one on my page but took it off for the same reason.
Peace, Kat
09/25/98 17:39:59
Name: Chuck Sudo | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Website: The Unofficial Soup Kitchen |
This is a impressive site. Well crafted. I discovered it viewing my Friend Beth Skony's
(Honeychurch) Website and will definitely be submitting in the near future when submissions are being accepted again.
08/16/98 02:31:23
Name: marlow peerse weaver |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
"mwe" is a small, "barely for profit" publisher which brings out quality literature bypassed by conglomerates more interested in market share. While small and idealistic, mwe is also pragmatic, and our books find their way into the likes of Barnes & Nobl
, Borders, amazon.com, and independent booksellers everywhere. One of mwe’s projects is to publish an anthology of xer poetry, a collection reflecting that generation’s views, issues, concerns, and angst, all in their own words. Thus the title for the a
thology - "In Our Own Words - Xer Poetry". Submissions are being sought from all over the world, from all walks of life. Writing skill is of course a factor, but more important is how effectively the persona of the x-generation is expressed, its passi
ns, joys and pains. Submissions can be made to mwe@interpath.com, or MW Enterprises, 3903 Capital Blvd., Suite 194, Raleigh, NC 27604, USA. Please include a full name and contact address, as a release-to-print must be sent and returned for each poem cho
en. If you wish to gain a flavor for who I am, Marlow Peerse Weaver, owner of mwe, you might read my novel, A Small Fire Burned on Windy Hill (ISBN 1-56901-882-0, available through www.amazon.com and most booksellers. There are no restrictions on the nu
ber of submissions, or contents, as mwe wishes to publish an honest, open and uncensored reflection of a generation. If the anthology manages to cover publishing costs and achieve a profit, a significant portion of that profit will be distributed to the
authors of the poems published. Looking forward to receiving your submissions! Cutoff date is end of November. Best regards, mpw
"Help keep what we read from being limited by conglomerate control of the market."
07/17/98 01:33:25
Name: Yendor Smith | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Favorite political site: Mine |
Excellent site, Very Informative, Thank you for allowing me the
>to express my opinions here. I'll be sure to pass you
> along to all my Friend and Contact's. I also have a Webpage that
offers a
> platform for Freedom of Expression, Speak Out America! Come visit me
> my Guestbook and maybe even express your views on my "Speak Out
> Message Board. Hope to hear from you soon! I can be found at:
> /CapitolHill/Senate/7187/
> ______________________________________________________
06/12/98 02:18:19
Name: OhioMike | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Website: http://www.co.medina.oh.us/auditor/ | Favorite political site: OhioDems | Party affiliation: Democratic |
Revolutionary affiliation: Geez, gotta go with the British rebels of 1776 |
05/01/98 17:20:42
Name: Mike Carero | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Website: Rare Earthly Delights |
Just thought you would like to know that I tried to link to you from starting point and it is a dead link. I do not know why everything checked out O.K. because when I came in through geocities neiborhoods I found you! My guess is the problem is with geoc
ties not Starting Point! Some site you have. I really don't get involved in politics very much (except environmental issues) but all around I think the world needs political comic relief. We have two choices laugh at them or throw most of them in their ow
over populated jails. Ever wonder WHY they have made jails so posh compaired to the old days? Could it be just in case they get caught?
Check Ya Later!
Mike Carero
Rare Earthly Delights
04/02/98 06:26:01
Name: Bill "Ugli Coyote" Davis | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Website: Ulgi Coyote's lair | Favorite activist site: Aint Nobody's Business If You Do | Favorite political site: The Progressive Online |
Party affiliation: green/progressive |
Cool Page....I am Awake!
02/11/98 15:02:28
Name: Fukevribary S. |
My URL: Visit Me |
Why don't you kill Bill Clinton and then yourselves???
02/11/98 14:56:58
Name: rubbershirt sherwood |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
I didn't understand nothing you have written herein, but it seems cool!!!!
11/01/97 07:04:49
Name: Paul Lenart | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Website: MASE/CWA Local 3570 | Favorite activist site: http://www.hartford-hwp.com/cp-usa/links.html | Favorite political site: http://www.scruz.net/~kangaroo/TOPICINDEX.htm |
Party affiliation: Labor Party | Revolutionary affiliation: DSA |
I guess that's not exactly revolutionary, eh?
10/24/97 03:25:12
Name: Bill "Ugli Coyote" Davis | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Website: Ugli Coyote's Lair | Favorite activist site: DRAGONSLAYER | Favorite political site: Green Parties of North America |
Party affiliation: poetry party | Revolutionary affiliation: zen-anarchist |
Great Site...It will be coyote's hoice site of the week next week
Keep on keepin' on!
10/21/97 13:48:46
Name: superla | My URL: Visit Me |
Website: nope | Revolutionary affiliation: earth |
09/26/97 21:54:41
Name: HG | My URL: Visit Me |
Favorite political site: http://www.disinfo.com/prop/prop.html | Party affiliation: none |
Revolutionary affiliation: none |
Just checking things out..