The Leader of PLAP says:
A remarkable thing happend just a few days ago. For the
first time since the begining of the PLAP-Palavania dispute, Presdinet
Wittman has shown a cretain amout of decensy.
To my great surprise President Wittman has lived up to
the ULTIMATUM we daclared.
He completely removed all the lying trash about us in
his site (except for the part about Nadav which we think is funny anyway).
Congradulations Mr' president. We hope this is a sign
that our dispute will grow to become a cleaner safer war.
Rest assured that this does not mean we except you as
the ruler of Palavania but we are sure this act will reflect upon you in
a positive way in the future (too bad too, we were looking foward to dig
up trash about Wittman, but live and let live I say).
However we suspect president Wittman of commiting another
crime against our organization. General BUD has been recieving threats
by E-mail from a preson who identified himself only as X-sender.
Actually X-sender is a progarm to disguse your identity
and reveals only your E-mail. Consequently the name of the person you recieve
the letter from is X-sender.
The only reason we have any doubts that Wittman sent
these E-maisd is that nor Palavania nor PLAP were menchined in the messages.
Although Palavania is our primary target we now consider
X-sender to be one of our enemies. Our secret opratives will work to uncover
his identity and once this is known we will deal with him.
We named the operation "Find out who X-sender is
and kill him" or FOWXIAKH for short.
Enjoy this short cease-fire Wittman while we are busy
with operation FOWXIAKH.

I'm getting sick of "mail me this" "mail me that"
crap all the time. You know what to do.
Once again, back
to the PLAP homepage.