All PLAP members must obbey these following
simple, Ten Commanments!!!!!
I received these commanments from God himself.
He has written them in fire onto this web page.
Carved in your screen!!!!!
- I (supreme leader of plap) am your one and only leader
(and was elected to be so in a democratic fashion).
- Thou shall devote thy spare time to battle the forces
of evil which refer to themselves as Palavania.
- Thou shall not be a member of the evil state of Palavania
unless it is for espionage purposes.
- Thou shall not bear the name of the leader of Plap in
vain (this commanment is pretty useless now because
my identity has been revealed but since it is a holy commandment we put
it here anyway).
- Thou shall not believe anything the President of Palavania
says for it is surely a lie.
- All citizens of Palavania are evil. Therefore thou shall
declare a holy war upon them.
- Thou shall cast eggs at the leader of Palavania once
a year on his birthday.
- Thou shall spread chaos in the realm of Palavania.
- Once Palavania is captured thou shall inflict upon the
president of Palavania a slow, agonizing death.
- Thou shall spread the message of Plap throughout the
nation of Palavania and beyond.
- Thou shall invent the 10th commandment on your own for
the leader ran out of ideas.
You know the usual crap. Write us at balh blah...
Are you still here?
Then go back to our homepage and go on doing whatever it is you've been
doing so far.