

Carrie Lyles TRAYLOR Stewart family genealogy

Mother of eight Carrie Lyles TRAYLOR (born 4/21/1891 - died 9/21/1980) married Joseph Beverly STEWART (and in her old age, John Stevenson); was the daughter of Confederate soldier William Henry Traylor (born 6/15/1847 - died 4/25/1920) and Alice WIX (born 5/1/1861 - died 11/18/1939); was the GRANDDAUGHTER of William E.TRAYLOR (born 1817 - probably buried in Mississippi where he died) and Nancy B. (Barrett?) Lyles (born 6/13/1812 in Fairfield - died 5/20/1895 and buried at Beaver Creek Baptist Church in Fairfield) AND OF Confederate soldier William Riley WIX (born 11/4/1830 in Chester Co.- died 2/5/1906) and Mary A. EDGE (born 6/27/1840 in Union Co.- died 10/18/1902). Robert CARTER first married William Henry TRAYLOR's sister Mary and later his widow Alice WIX Traylor: was the GREAT GRANDDAUGHTER of Arromanus Lyles II (1786 - ?) and Mary Woodward (~1788 - ?): was the GREAT GREAT GRANDDAUGHTER of Arromanus (Col.) Lyles (1748 - 1817) and his second wife Rebecca VALENTINE (~1750 - ?) AND OF Reverend William Woodward and Nancy BARRETT (~1767 - 8/10/1829) was the GREAT GREAT GREAT GRANDDAUGHTER of Ephraim Lyles, Sr. (~1720 - ~1755) and Ann Margaret LYTHER (1725 - ?) AND OF Thomas "the Regulator" Woodward (? - 5/12/1779) and Jemima COLLINS and the GREAT GREAT GREAT GREAT GRANDDAUGHTER of John after1762) and Anne (~1698 - LYLES (~1695 - ~1797) AND OF Thomas WOODWARD (b near Annapolis, Maryland) and Elizabeth SIMPSON of Fairfax county, VA.

Carrie was gentle, kind and proudly claimed descent from "Manus" LYLES (the LYLES family has been socially prominent in Fairfield County).

Carrie Lyles TRAYLOR
79K enlargement of photograph above (click "Back" on bar at top of screen to return here) .

In the colonial period Fairfield County was a center for the Regulator movement, which sought to bring law and order to the backcountry. During the Revolutionary War, Lord Cornwallis made his headquarters in Winnsboro from October 1780 to January 1781; the county was also invaded by General Sherman's troops during the Civil War. Cotton production was the major economic activity of the area, but the county also produced Winnsboro Blue Granite. Some prominent residents of the county were Regulator leader Thomas Woodward (d. 1799), Revolutionary War soldier Richard Winn (1750-1818), and artist Laura Glenn Douglas (1886-1962).

Carrie's uncle Thomas Woodward (pronounced "woodard"?) TRAYLOR came back from the Civil War penniless, declared he would own a big mansion (he did, the most beautiful I have seen) with columns like one he saw, and became a banker and the largest landowner in Fairfield County (according to an obituary, newspaper article, or something I once read). Cousin Pelham LYLES Spong grew up in a home Thomas Woodward Traylor once owned in White Oak. SC.

Was Thomas Woodward TRAYLOR named after his ancestor Thomas WOODWARD, probably the most famous person in Fairfield's history? Thomas Woodward was the "Regulator" who helped make the upcountry more secure by establishing a system of justice where the state of South Carolina had not, because the only courts were far away in Charleston.

Major Thomas W. Woodward, senator from Fairfield, was the son of William T. Woodward, grandson of John Woodward (senior), and great grandson of Thomas "The Regulator" Woodward, and is said to have been a cousin of Nancy B. Lyles (1812 - 1895).

Nancy B (Baxter?) LYLES was the daughter of Arromanus LYLES II and Mary Woodward. Mary Woodward was the daughter of Reverend William "Preacher Billy" Woodward (referred to in Ederington's Chapter on Coleman's in his History of Fairfield County as certainly close kin to Major Thomas W. Woodward), and granddaughter of Thomas "The Regulator" Woodward, who was killed (the battle of Eutaw?) in the first Revolution. "Preacher Billy" Woodward was also a soldier of the first Revolution, and I think I recall reading in Ederinfton's history that William was the boldest fighter (I suspect that love makes a man bolder than genes or hatred).

Nancy B. Lyles may have lived in a house across from the Feasterville boarding academy after returning from Mississippi where her husband William E. Traylor died. Her son William Henry Traylor owned land which is still owned by his descendants in Feasterville. She named one of her sons Thomas Woodward Traylor, and may have been Major Thomas W. Woodward's second cousin.

Read my genealogy notes for more detailed information

Some of the genealogy above was recorded in Fairfield County Deeds EN on page 125; in Richland County Deeds 733 on page 745, and in Richland County Mortgages 1076 on page 590.

This short address to this website is http://lyles.i.am/
Web pages similar to this one also exist at:

  1. http://www.geocities.com/CapitolHill/3926/index.html
  2. http://members.tripod.com/~nl/index.html

Copyright 2000 - Everyone is welcome to the genealogical information herein, which belongs to no one. Genealogical information can be reproduced and disseminated freely by everyone, but copying this document, photographs, etc. even once, or excerpts thereof, requires the permission of the author. Parts of this genealogy were first published in 1995, and first posted on Internet on April 11, 1996.