Berry Creek Guns
Berry Creek Guns
1117 Oro Dam Blvd.
Oroville, CA 95965
Phone (916) 534-9119
Fax (916) 534-1377
Or Mail
The following products are now on sale at Berry Creek Gun Shop in Oroville California. We would be very glad if you would have time to visit our store.
Smith & WessonWinchesterWinchester
ColtColt SportersMossberg
GlockSavageH & R
Plus Many Other Brands or Various Types!!
All products are discounted. We never sell at retail prices.
Ammo, Reloading supplies; Powder, Primers, Bullets, Presses, Cases, Dies, Melting Pots, Ect.... Everything for the shooter.
We offer American Security and Browning safes. Bianchi leather and nylon belts, holsters and magazine pouches.
Berry Creek Guns is the authorized Bianchi dealer in this area. We also discount Bianchi prices by "10%"
Come see us!! We are located behind the Greeline Bicycle Shop at 1117 Oro Dam Blvd. in Oroville California..........

Thanks For Your Interest. BCG.

Please See The California Firearm Reform Committee Home Page here.

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We will get right back to you with the answers!!
Web Master Mike

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