Prolife, Pro-Animal, Anti-Death Penalty, & Anti-Vice Law

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Welcome to Allies of Peace! The primary purpose of government is to protect and defend. But in what should be an enlightened democracy, this doesn't always seem to be a high priority. Republicans in Congress had promised to protect prenatal children, but instead used their time to strip away environmental protections and weaken the enforcement of the Bill of Rights. Democrats have made their number one priority the so-called right to have an abortion. There has been a continuous increase in Democrats that are soft on civil liberties and pro-capital punishment. Neither Democrats nor Republicans seem particularly concerned about the endless suffering of animals caused by vivisection and the meat industry, or the fact that our jails are filled with people who are there for no other reason than they broke a vice law. It's time for those who care about the rights of others to unite to create a better world! Below is an e-mail address where you can send us your ideas, or if you wish, join us. Right now membership is free!

Links to other sites on the Web

National Anti-Vivisection Society
Consistent Life
Activism-Making a Difference
Prolife Alliance of Gays And Lesbians (PLAGAL)
Feminists For Life (Feminist & Prolife)
Prolife Feminism
Democrats For Life of America
Libertarians For Life
American Anti-Vivisection Society
Petitions Against Cruelity To Animals
Animal News
ProLife Animal Rights Activists
Animal Rights Voices
Vegetarian Links
Drug Policy Alliance
The Nonviolent Choice Directory
International Movement Against Bullfights
The Torture Abolition and Survivors Support Coalition International

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