Essay: In The Labyrinth:
An essay on Robbe-Grillet's new novel and its relationship with the architectural world.
Essay: Exploring Space and Participation:
An investigation into the nature of man's participation in the building
of spaces around him.
Essay: The
Origins of Brazilian Modernism The contribution of Le Corbusier,
Lucio Costa, Gregory Warchavchik and Frank Lloyd Wright to the movement
in its early years.
Essay: Pedestrian
Systems at Brasilia's South Wing: The struggle of the pedestrian
against vehicular traffic in the heart of the Brazilian capital.
Short Essay: Architecture,
Culture & Curves: The residential buildings of Ruy Ohtake in
São Paulo, Brazil.
Short Essay: Brasilia:
Living within modernist standards: The thoughts of a Brasiliense
about life in a modernist urban space.
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Marcio Oliveira
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