Jerry Koester - 11/19/00 01:14:08 My Email:jkoester@walgreens.comOrganization: Walgreens LossPrevention
Comments: I like your website...I check law enforcement websites often, since I'm retired from Village PD(1-1-65-1-1-85), and retired as Chief Investigator of the Okla. State Board of working for Walgreens as Loss Prev. Supervisor... Jerry Koester - 11/19/00 01:14:03 My Email:jkoester@walgreens.comOrganization: Walgreens LossPrevention
Comments: I like your website...I check law enforcement websites often, since I'm retired from Village PD(1-1-65-1-1-85), and retired as Chief Investigator of the Okla. State Board of working for Walgreens as Loss Prev. Supervisor... Fausto Modonutti - 10/22/00 20:06:00 My Email:mod_f@inwind.itOrganization: Italian State Police
Comments: I am an italian policeman. I am a collector of police shoulder patches too and I would like to known if is possible to obtain or trade police shoulder patches of your department and eventually change with ours. I hope you will fulfil my wish. This is my address: FAUSTO MODONUTTI Via Bovino nr.6 28060 Granozzo (NO) Italy ( Europe) Thank you very much. E-mail: Luc - 09/27/00 06:58:28 My URL: My Email:DonLuc@a-topmail.atOrganization: K9 department vienna (Austria)
Comments: Hallo I visit your site and must tell you that you have done a great job. Your site is very intresting. Best wishes and stay safe! Luc Jim Bushell - 09/26/00 22:49:04 My Ex Merseyside Police UK
Comments: Hi I just stopped to read your page and to say hello Rebecca Gayle - 09/25/00 06:21:07 My Email:punchy50@yahoo.comOrganization: Forsyh Co. Sheriff's Office
Comments: I think the website looks great. LT. John Thorpe - 08/22/00 11:28:36 My URL: My Email:jthorpe@seminolesheriff.orgOrganization: Seminole County, FL SO
Comments: Check out OUR site at : may give you some great ideas.....Lt. J. Thorpe....407-665-6610.... Walt Taff - 07/23/00 13:13:50 My URL: My Email:lawter33@aol.comOrganization: Pottawatomie County S.O.
Comments: Excellent Site Keith N Sattler - 07/20/00 01:11:00 Organization: Blaine County S.O.
Comments: Very well done, you have great information. Aaron J. Findley - 05/30/00 15:55:55 My Email:a_mgraphics@ou.eduOrganization: ARM MEDIA PRODUCTIONS
Comments: patricia,adams - 05/23/00 18:48:43 My Email:trish49279@aol.comOrganization: none
Comments: you have alot of very good information,i like going though all these pages to see what each county is like ,what kind of information each county will give,keep up the good far you have been the best. Debra Lamb - 05/09/00 06:59:17 My Email:3lranch@brightok.netOrganization: Oklahoma Bailbonds
Comments: Nice to see a way to correspond to a county giving or recieving a little information when needed Edward Petersen - 04/26/00 16:05:27 My Email:edp@ndic.osis.govOrganization: National Drug Intelligence Center
Comments: Just been assigned to Oklahoma desk at NDIC. Need point of contact to get first hand information on cdriminal activity in state. Please contact me at "" G.D.Sparks - 04/01/00 02:30:35 My Email:catch74434@hotmail.comOrganization: retired female officer
Comments: It is nice to meet you i will be moving into your area again real soon and iam looking forward to it. Mike Grumann - 03/21/00 05:12:06 My Email:pgrumann@lakefield.netOrganization: N/A
Comments: Doug Foran - 02/08/00 23:16:43 My Email:FORRDF@aol.comOrganization: Oklahoma Department Of Corrections
Comments: Good site. Brook Morris - 01/09/00 22:00:11 My URL: My Email:bamtamorris@ilinkusa.netOrganization: 3d Combat Communications Group
Comments: EXCELLENT SITE! Sgt. Michael Ricker - 12/31/99 03:44:20 My Email:sierra@oio.netOrganization: Kickapoo Tribal Police
Comments: Site looks great. Just cruising through and noticed several Oklahoma County Sheriff's Offices with websites. I am working on our website and hopefully finish before 2001. Keep up the good work gentlemen. Hope to someday assist your agency in the near future. Chuck U Farley - 12/02/99 09:31:19 My URL: Organization: Citizen's Invisible Asylum
Comments: Mike Tritt - 10/19/99 19:55:29 My Email:pitbul8823@aol.comOrganization: Broward Sheriff's Office Comments: Just like to see other agencies. Be careful out there! HAROLD McNUTT - 10/08/99 16:07:40 My Email:SOHARMCN@OKLAHOMACOUNTY.ORGOrganization: OKLAHOMA CO. SHERIFF'S OFFICE / PROPERTY AND EVIDENCE DIV. Comments: Robert S Hightower - 09/02/99 17:11:10 My Email:Badge53@aol.comOrganization: Seminole PD Comments: Hey it's me again I still can't find the OSBI do you have any idea if they have a web page or where to find it? Email me please Thanks Robert S Hightower - 09/02/99 16:58:00 My Email:Badge53@aol.comOrganization: Seminole PD Reserve Comments: Hey Kevin Robert Hightower here, Neat site I was looking for the OSBI and saw Seminole County and had to come take a look. Keep up the good work! Dave - 08/12/99 17:45:39 My Email:twotrucsha@netscape.netOrganization: Home Comments: You have a very good web site and I found it very interesting to find out what you know what's on my computer, good job and keep up the good work. Dave Walton Leigh Ann Colbert - 08/11/99 03:41:53 My Email:d.g.hull@worldnet.att.netOrganization: OHP'S Kid Comments: Hi Kevin! I like your site. It looks almost as good as you! Ha! Thanks for all your help in the past. You've been a really good role model.Hope to see you soon.-Leigh Ann Colbert Leigh Ann Colbert - 08/11/99 03:37:54 My Email:d.g.hull@worldnet.att.netComments: Denise Childs - 08/10/99 03:47:42 My Email:DCh7505390@cm.comOrganization: Prague Police Dept. Comments: Hi Kevin, This web page you've set up representing our county is great! I hope to see more info about Seminole County. Oh, by the way, Prague hasn't changed. Take care. Denise Debbie Hull - 08/09/99 04:19:07 My Email:d.g.hull@worldnet.att.netOrganization: housewife Comments: Great job Kevin!!! I did not know this was on the net. Keep up the good work. Debbie Thanks for all your help in the past with my daughter, LA. George C KIng - 07/31/99 14:22:24 My Email:gcking@monarchy.comComments: Because of the upcomming TNT movie (Aug 22, 1999)I became interested in learning more about Bill Tilghman. An AltaVista search brought me to your site. Thanks for the info. George troy fullbright - 07/01/99 07:45:28 My Email:tgfullbright@sdown.comOrganization: okfuskee county so Comments: great job. really interesting site. i am thinking of starting a website for our department. if you guys can offer any technical help or advise, please let me know. WOPPER1 - 06/28/99 02:12:59 My Email:AOL.COMComments: KEVIN DO YOU CARRY REAL BULLETS IN YOUR GUN. TELL THAT LITTLE STINKER SHANE MARSHALL AT SPD THAT I SAID HI, ALSO GIVE TIM CURRY A BIG JUICY FOR ME. Kerri Houser-Maylen - 05/30/99 02:56:55 My Email:kmaylen@renet.comComments: Finally found your page.....pretty good! Now I know where to find you! Kerri Houser-Maylen - 05/30/99 02:56:43 My Email:kmaylen@renet.comComments: Finally found your page.....pretty good! Now I know where to find you! EDIE CATHEY - 05/24/99 15:15:44 My Email:cathey_es@hotmail.comOrganization: SSC Comments: - 04/18/99 04:33:45 Comments: Jeremy Benware - 04/15/99 19:10:47 My Email:araya19@hotmail.comOrganization: Mounds Police Department Comments: Very Nice sight. I enjoyed it very much. Keep up the good work. Alanis - 04/08/99 22:15:18 Comments: Don't you have any broads in your outfit? gary dodd - 03/17/99 04:33:03 Organization: Oil Center F.D. Ada, Ok. Comments: I injoyed your web sit, and am looking forward to maybe working as a dispather in your department one day. P.S. Tell Troy I said Hi. gary dodd - 03/17/99 04:30:22 Organization: Oil Center F.D. Ada, Ok. Comments: I injoyed your web sit, and am looking forward to maybe working as a dispather in your department one day. P.S. Tell Troy I said Hi. jason maxey - 02/10/99 15:00:31 Organization: wtc Comments: hay i work on 2-way radios in washita county if you ever need them fixed give me a call. 580-674-3325 - 01/13/99 21:41:49 Comments: - 01/12/99 04:03:43 Comments: R.L. Poffenberger - 01/12/99 04:02:57 My Email:rlarryp@uswest.netOrganization: Grandson/sam robertson Comments: My mother is one of the seven children listed in his obituary. Thanks for remembering these officers. Larry Snooks Carr - 12/09/98 19:57:30 My Email:ercarr@renet.comOrganization: DHS Comments: Liked the site very much. R.B. CAMACHO - 11/07/98 18:26:30 My Email:COCHISE CO SO AZ.Organization: Comments: GREAT PAGE, NICE TO AN EX OKIE. Ron L. Culver - 10/28/98 04:03:26 My Email:rlclaramie@aol.comOrganization: Albany County Sheriff's Office, Laramie, WY Comments: Just surfing around and found your web site. My family is originally from Seminole. My Mom still lives there. The web page looks real nice. If you folks ever need anything from up here give me a holler. Shirley Garnica - 10/09/98 03:19:39 My Email:Shirley.Garnica@amd.comComments: - 09/29/98 18:17:17 Comments: Constable Ira Dorey - 09/26/98 23:57:38 My URL: My Email:Dorey@thezone.netOrganization: Royal Newfoundland Constabulary - Corner Brook Division - P.O.Box 39 - Corner Brook, Nfld. - Canada A2H 6C3 Comments: Hello, great looking site, keep up good work...... I am a Police Officer with the Royal Newfoundland Constabulary and I collect shoulder patches of Police/Sheriff Depts around the world. I would greatly appreciate it if you could send me a patch from your Dept. It will be displayed the same as it is worn, with Dignity and Honour. I prefer and love to receive a patch that I know has been worn by an Officer in the Line of Duty, these are the pride of my collection. This request goes out TO ALL POLICE/SHERIFF OFFICERS EVERYWHERE who may read this. I thank you in advance and anticipate your reply. Take care and be safe, Ira............ The Royal Newfoundland Constabulary was officially established in 1871 but its records date back to 1729 which makes the RNC the oldest Police Force in North America. On 98June14 Officers of the RNC started wearing sidearms as part of our uniform for the irst time in our long and proud history, the last to do so in North America. MICHAEL G. RUPE - 09/22/98 22:50:42 My Email:MRUPE0768@AOL.COMOrganization: UNITED STATES NAVY Comments: BORN AND RAISED IN POTEAU, OK. SEPARATING FROM NAVY AFTER 10 YRS OF SERVICE. LOOKING FOR POSSIBLE EMPLOYMENT IN LAW ENFORCEMENT. Doug Dillard - 09/08/98 17:40:36 My Email:ddillard@home.comComments: Great service! Kenneth Tidwell - 08/30/98 04:14:29 My URL: My Email:custerso@cji.netOrganization: Custer County Sheriff's Office Comments: Enjoyed the Web Sight...Thanks for linking the Custer County Sheriff's Office with your sight! Mike Patswald - 08/27/98 04:49:17 My Email:Mpatswald @ aol.comOrganization: Canadian County Sheriff's Office Comments: This is one of the best law enforcement web pages I have seen. Good job!! Mike Patswald - 08/27/98 04:45:46 My Email:mpatswaldComments: Josep Montes - 08/06/98 23:33:42 My Email:jmontes@mundivia.esComments: Thank you very much by the interesting information that there is in this site. I am a collector of lapel pins (and patches, badges,...) from law enforcement agencies of the World. I have many to exchange with the persons interested. Sharon Strain - 08/03/98 22:01:37 My Email:wildhair@crosstel.netOrganization: Beauty Operator Comments: This is great - I wish more law inforcement agency would get on line especially for those of us who live in the rural areas. Elizabeth Klimas - 06/30/98 21:31:15 My Email:elizabeth.klimas@england.comOrganization: Self Comments: It is great to see a page like yours with the inside views and commentary on Legal Topics. Now I now where to go to have a good time legally. Tell us everything you know. Thanks. Sheriff's Association Member. Walter Taff - 06/15/98 11:50:11 My Email:lawter33@aol.comOrganization: Pottawatomie County Sheriff's Department Comments: Nice Job-- - 06/15/98 01:06:50 Comments: Wow lots of stuff Paul Penuel - 05/10/98 02:31:50 My URL: My Email:PWPTRUCK1@aol.comOrganization: I have family in Seminole Comments: I recently had a relative by the name Walter R. Penuel die in Seminole on May 6,1998. How could I find his obituary on the net? Does the local newspaper have a site that posts these things on thier site if they have one? Thank you for your time. You have great web page. I like the graphics. RANDY MELTON - 04/30/98 06:28:55 My Email:samson40@hotmail.comOrganization: disable policeman Comments: i am a former policeman for the city of clay , in clay kentucky. i think you guys are doing a wonderful job . keep up the good work sincerely RANDY MELTON Vikki Brown - 04/29/98 20:12:13 My URL:/capitolhill/lobby/9645 My Email:vikkib@fullnet.netOrganization: Noble County Republican Women Comments: I found your site by doing a search for info on the HB1213. This issue was discussed by our District Attorney, Mark Gibson, at our last meeting. I have already written my representatives and I am encouraging others to do the same. I hope you don't mind if I use your information to do so. Thank you. Daniel - 04/29/98 04:04:13 My URL: My Email:dwood@renet.comOrganization: home Comments: keep up the good work have beautifull day in you beautiful car you drive accross town with on the beautiful outcome of life. Daniel wood Toby - 04/25/98 04:41:18 My Email:dodgesavr@juno.comOrganization: Tulsa Fire Dept. Comments: I'm from Seminole and found your page to be very interesting. I've put you on my favorites list. Sheriff Sisco stopped me shortly after I turned 16 for reckless driving. What fond memories! SEQUOYAH D. QUINTON - 04/21/98 02:34:27 My Email:quinton@icok.netOrganization: PITTSBURG COUNTY SHERIFF'S DEPT. Comments: YOUR WEB PAGE WAS ENJOYABLE, AND INFORMATIVE. I'M THINKING OF TRYING ONE FOR MY COUNTY'S OFFICE. BE SAFE Ralph Dettwiler - 04/12/98 10:47:17 My URL: My Email:rdett@iserv.netComments: You have a great web site. Thank you for your service to the community. God bless you and keep you safe. Come visit my site too. Eric Weatherly - 04/09/98 03:54:40 My URL: My Email:Eweat@sunnet.netOrganization: Army Reserve MP Comments: Just wanted to let you know I like your site. I live in lawton and was looking at law enforcement sites in Oklahoma and happened to find yours. I started mine about a month ago... don't really know why I am doing it. I swear I didn't steal your backgrou d.. anyway just wanted to let you know I really liked your site. Candice - 03/31/98 21:59:45 My Email:phrawggur@hotmail.comOrganization: Packardbell Comments: This is theTechnician you spoke with 03/31/98 to fix the modem Roberta O'loughlin - 03/08/98 21:00:10 My Email:soslo69016@aol.comComments: I like your site. the deputies page isnt working though. Durwood Stout - 02/25/98 03:26:44 My URL: My Email:bawana@ionet.netOrganization: Tulsa County Courthouse Building Operations locksmith. Comments: County and City County Jail Locksmith. Own and operate Stout Locks/Correctional Locksmithing Sales And Service. Specialize in County jails. Durwood Stout Rachelle Boettcher - 02/23/98 21:35:27 My Email:Boettr05@uwosh.eduComments: I am a c.j. major and I found your website through researching "truth in sentencing" info for a speech. Deputy Keith Brodrick - 02/16/98 16:51:26 My URL: My Email:kbrodrick@pldi.netOrganization: Blaine County Sheriff's Office Comments: Very nice website. We need to get all the Oklahoma Sheriff's Linked by website. I would like to get a link on your page. We have a link to yours on our page. Keep up the good work. Connie - 02/12/98 04:53:24 My Email:willcon@chickasaw.comOrganization: Pontotoc County Sheriff's Office Comments: Hi: I enjoyed looking at your page. We are thinking about getting on the internet at our office. If you have time contact us and let us know what your office thinks about being on the net and if it is helpful in any way for your agency. Thanks Connie JACK D. MIKE - 02/08/98 09:56:33 My Email:batman@oknet1.netOrganization: MUSKGOEE COUNTY SHERIFF DEPARTMENT Comments: This is really nice. This is a good way not only to make your county look good, but a good way to make the state look good (Even though they are trying to screw us with this so called "TRUTH IN SENTENCING" TAKE CARE AND GOD BLESS JACK mike crelia - 01/13/98 01:21:19 Comments: Brad Calverley - 01/12/98 01:52:10 My URL: My Email:bradc@bconnex.netComments: I'm a Sheriff's Officer in the County of Simcoe Province of Ontario, Canada. Just checking out your Web page.Looks good. John Walsh - 01/10/98 20:18:49 My Email:oksa@swbell.netOrganization: Oklahoma Sheriffs' Association Comments: As always, Sheriff Sisco and his staff continue to lead Oklahoma sheriffs with their hard work and innovative ideas! Great Web page. - 01/06/98 02:17:34 Comments: You should list the list of sex offenders on the homepage donald marenchin - 01/04/98 15:27:44 My Email:donaldm@pgh.netOrganization: mercer co sheriffs dept Pa Comments: scanning the www. very fine display of information donald marenchin - 01/04/98 15:27:36 My Email:donaldm@pgh.netOrganization: mercer co sheriffs dept Pa Comments: scanning the www. very fine display of information Andy Borchardt - 12/11/97 03:22:37 My Email:Afyrfyter@aol.comOrganization: Wichita Falls Fire Dept. Comments: Neat website, but still has some bugs to be worked out. I'm a friend of Deputy Jay Carroll. Be sure and tell him "hi". I'd be interested in learning or having a website built. teresa - 11/28/97 06:50:11 My Email:teresa@brightok.netComments: What a nice homepage! Keep up the good work! - 11/10/97 12:57:38 Comments: Dale Lauborough - 10/21/97 01:43:13 My Email:jeepman@sierra.netOrganization: US Border Patrol (ret) Comments: Good looking page, just wanted to say hello & keep up the good work. I'm a native of Seminole but haven't been there since I was a kid, hope to stop & say hello some day. cheryl barnes - 10/13/97 18:47:35 My Email:DR.BARNES@centuryinter.netOrganization: TWIN SPUR PAINT RANCH Comments: HELLO, MY GRANDMOTHER LIVES IN SEMINOLE, AND I WAS WONDERING HOW YOU GO ABOUT CHECKING UP ON ELDERLY FOLKS,LIVING IN THE CITY OF SEMINOLE. HER NAME IS MRS.F.L. KILLINGSWORTH. THANK YOU, FROM FIELDS , LOUISIANA. CHERYL P.BARNES. Bryan Heath Linn - 10/03/97 19:03:49 My Email:linn@cherokee.nsuok.eduOrganization: Delaware County Sheriff's Department Comments: Nice web site. I was wondering if you paid for the site out of your own pocket or does the S.O. help out on the expense? JOHN MELSON - 09/24/97 04:21:51 My URL: My Email:z57@chickasaw.comOrganization: none Comments: Browsing the web and came across page. Enjoyed it. Did my internship in your department from Jan. to May of 1990. Lt. Doug Parent - 09/13/97 22:02:34 My URL: My Email:lawman@4u.netOrganization: Mayes County Sheriffs Department Comments: Nice Page, Come Visit Mine Joe - 09/12/97 12:35:02 My Email:jkellis@renet.comComments: Nice Website keep up the good work James Edwards - 08/25/97 15:56:08 My Email:Travisedwards@juno.comOrganization: DakotaCorp Comments: Mr. Bolles, Joseph Santmyer - 08/15/97 01:31:25 My Email:santranch@sprintmail.comOrganization: Santmyer Ranch Comments: Just searching for information on Oklahoma C.L.E.E.T. Certification and how it compares to Arizona P.O.S.T. Academic Certification. I like the site you's the reason that I submitted an application to the Seminole County Sheriff's Office and eve drove cross-country to get one! Joe Steve - 08/12/97 15:38:29 My URL: My Email:pscird1@erols.comOrganization: PSC, Inc. Comments: We would like to extend an invitation to the Seminole County Sheriff's Office to come and register with our website, the Crime Information Network (CINet) at CINet is a FREE service open to the law enforcement community only and provides weekly updates consisting of feature articles on various topics from our readers. New for this week we have an article on Effects of Inhalants, How Street Gangs Control Prisons, and many more. Thank you for taking the time to login with us and please pass on the word about CINet. Steve G. Deputy Webmaster, CINet Warren Walker - 08/11/97 10:02:11 My URL: My Email:mcdw@aol.comOrganization: Retired Comments: A very good page.........How about linking the Sheriff's page to his Home Town, Wewoka. Thank you Sven Ulrich - 08/09/97 11:40:17 My Email:100.167798@germanynet.deComments: Hello Sheriff I am a police officer in Germany. i collect patches of police departments around the world. Please send me your patch. Thank you and KEEP SAFE Sincerely, Sven Ulrich, Polizeikommissar My address: Polizeirevier Halle-Ost Kommissar S. Ulrich Dessauer Strasse 70 D 06118 Halle/Saale Germany Dennis G. Fossey - 08/09/97 04:39:39 My URL: My Email:precart@pla-net.netOrganization: Precision Cartridge, Inc. Comments: Warren Walker - 08/06/97 12:45:37 My URL: My Email:mcdw@aol.comOrganization: Alumni Wewoka High - Old Tigers Comments: This is a very good webpage for the Sheriff's Office. How about linking to I have linked to the this page....Let the Sheriff's department help out this little community and give it.. it's place in the Sun... My Home Page | Visit Colosseum | Explore GeoCities | Get your own free homepage
Comments: Just like to see other agencies. Be careful out there! HAROLD McNUTT - 10/08/99 16:07:40 My Email:SOHARMCN@OKLAHOMACOUNTY.ORGOrganization: OKLAHOMA CO. SHERIFF'S OFFICE / PROPERTY AND EVIDENCE DIV.
Comments: Robert S Hightower - 09/02/99 17:11:10 My Email:Badge53@aol.comOrganization: Seminole PD
Comments: Hey it's me again I still can't find the OSBI do you have any idea if they have a web page or where to find it? Email me please Thanks Robert S Hightower - 09/02/99 16:58:00 My Email:Badge53@aol.comOrganization: Seminole PD Reserve
Comments: Hey Kevin Robert Hightower here, Neat site I was looking for the OSBI and saw Seminole County and had to come take a look. Keep up the good work! Dave - 08/12/99 17:45:39 My Email:twotrucsha@netscape.netOrganization: Home
Comments: You have a very good web site and I found it very interesting to find out what you know what's on my computer, good job and keep up the good work. Dave Walton Leigh Ann Colbert - 08/11/99 03:41:53 My Email:d.g.hull@worldnet.att.netOrganization: OHP'S Kid
Comments: Hi Kevin! I like your site. It looks almost as good as you! Ha! Thanks for all your help in the past. You've been a really good role model.Hope to see you soon.-Leigh Ann Colbert Leigh Ann Colbert - 08/11/99 03:37:54 My
Comments: Denise Childs - 08/10/99 03:47:42 My Email:DCh7505390@cm.comOrganization: Prague Police Dept.
Comments: Hi Kevin, This web page you've set up representing our county is great! I hope to see more info about Seminole County. Oh, by the way, Prague hasn't changed. Take care. Denise Debbie Hull - 08/09/99 04:19:07 My Email:d.g.hull@worldnet.att.netOrganization: housewife
Comments: Great job Kevin!!! I did not know this was on the net. Keep up the good work. Debbie Thanks for all your help in the past with my daughter, LA. George C KIng - 07/31/99 14:22:24 My
Comments: Because of the upcomming TNT movie (Aug 22, 1999)I became interested in learning more about Bill Tilghman. An AltaVista search brought me to your site. Thanks for the info. George troy fullbright - 07/01/99 07:45:28 My Email:tgfullbright@sdown.comOrganization: okfuskee county so
Comments: great job. really interesting site. i am thinking of starting a website for our department. if you guys can offer any technical help or advise, please let me know. WOPPER1 - 06/28/99 02:12:59 My Email:AOL.COM
Comments: Finally found your page.....pretty good! Now I know where to find you! Kerri Houser-Maylen - 05/30/99 02:56:43 My
Comments: Finally found your page.....pretty good! Now I know where to find you! EDIE CATHEY - 05/24/99 15:15:44 My Email:cathey_es@hotmail.comOrganization: SSC
Comments: - 04/18/99 04:33:45
Comments: Jeremy Benware - 04/15/99 19:10:47 My Email:araya19@hotmail.comOrganization: Mounds Police Department
Comments: Very Nice sight. I enjoyed it very much. Keep up the good work. Alanis - 04/08/99 22:15:18
Comments: Don't you have any broads in your outfit? gary dodd - 03/17/99 04:33:03 Organization: Oil Center F.D. Ada, Ok.
Comments: I injoyed your web sit, and am looking forward to maybe working as a dispather in your department one day. P.S. Tell Troy I said Hi. gary dodd - 03/17/99 04:30:22 Organization: Oil Center F.D. Ada, Ok.
Comments: I injoyed your web sit, and am looking forward to maybe working as a dispather in your department one day. P.S. Tell Troy I said Hi. jason maxey - 02/10/99 15:00:31 Organization: wtc
Comments: hay i work on 2-way radios in washita county if you ever need them fixed give me a call. 580-674-3325 - 01/13/99 21:41:49
Comments: - 01/12/99 04:03:43
Comments: R.L. Poffenberger - 01/12/99 04:02:57 My Email:rlarryp@uswest.netOrganization: Grandson/sam robertson
Comments: My mother is one of the seven children listed in his obituary. Thanks for remembering these officers. Larry Snooks Carr - 12/09/98 19:57:30 My Email:ercarr@renet.comOrganization: DHS
Comments: Liked the site very much. R.B. CAMACHO - 11/07/98 18:26:30 My Email:COCHISE CO SO AZ.Organization:
Comments: GREAT PAGE, NICE TO AN EX OKIE. Ron L. Culver - 10/28/98 04:03:26 My Email:rlclaramie@aol.comOrganization: Albany County Sheriff's Office, Laramie, WY
Comments: Just surfing around and found your web site. My family is originally from Seminole. My Mom still lives there. The web page looks real nice. If you folks ever need anything from up here give me a holler. Shirley Garnica - 10/09/98 03:19:39 My
Comments: - 09/29/98 18:17:17
Comments: Constable Ira Dorey - 09/26/98 23:57:38 My URL: My Email:Dorey@thezone.netOrganization: Royal Newfoundland Constabulary - Corner Brook Division - P.O.Box 39 - Corner Brook, Nfld. - Canada A2H 6C3
Comments: Hello, great looking site, keep up good work...... I am a Police Officer with the Royal Newfoundland Constabulary and I collect shoulder patches of Police/Sheriff Depts around the world. I would greatly appreciate it if you could send me a patch from your Dept. It will be displayed the same as it is worn, with Dignity and Honour. I prefer and love to receive a patch that I know has been worn by an Officer in the Line of Duty, these are the pride of my collection. This request goes out TO ALL POLICE/SHERIFF OFFICERS EVERYWHERE who may read this. I thank you in advance and anticipate your reply. Take care and be safe, Ira............ The Royal Newfoundland Constabulary was officially established in 1871 but its records date back to 1729 which makes the RNC the oldest Police Force in North America. On 98June14 Officers of the RNC started wearing sidearms as part of our uniform for the irst time in our long and proud history, the last to do so in North America. MICHAEL G. RUPE - 09/22/98 22:50:42 My Email:MRUPE0768@AOL.COMOrganization: UNITED STATES NAVY
Comments: Great service! Kenneth Tidwell - 08/30/98 04:14:29 My URL: My Email:custerso@cji.netOrganization: Custer County Sheriff's Office
Comments: Enjoyed the Web Sight...Thanks for linking the Custer County Sheriff's Office with your sight! Mike Patswald - 08/27/98 04:49:17 My Email:Mpatswald @ aol.comOrganization: Canadian County Sheriff's Office
Comments: This is one of the best law enforcement web pages I have seen. Good job!! Mike Patswald - 08/27/98 04:45:46 My Email:mpatswald
Comments: Josep Montes - 08/06/98 23:33:42 My
Comments: Thank you very much by the interesting information that there is in this site. I am a collector of lapel pins (and patches, badges,...) from law enforcement agencies of the World. I have many to exchange with the persons interested. Sharon Strain - 08/03/98 22:01:37 My Email:wildhair@crosstel.netOrganization: Beauty Operator
Comments: This is great - I wish more law inforcement agency would get on line especially for those of us who live in the rural areas. Elizabeth Klimas - 06/30/98 21:31:15 My Email:elizabeth.klimas@england.comOrganization: Self
Comments: It is great to see a page like yours with the inside views and commentary on Legal Topics. Now I now where to go to have a good time legally. Tell us everything you know. Thanks. Sheriff's Association Member. Walter Taff - 06/15/98 11:50:11 My Email:lawter33@aol.comOrganization: Pottawatomie County Sheriff's Department
Comments: Nice Job-- - 06/15/98 01:06:50
Comments: Wow lots of stuff Paul Penuel - 05/10/98 02:31:50 My URL: My Email:PWPTRUCK1@aol.comOrganization: I have family in Seminole
Comments: I recently had a relative by the name Walter R. Penuel die in Seminole on May 6,1998. How could I find his obituary on the net? Does the local newspaper have a site that posts these things on thier site if they have one? Thank you for your time. You have great web page. I like the graphics. RANDY MELTON - 04/30/98 06:28:55 My Email:samson40@hotmail.comOrganization: disable policeman
Comments: i am a former policeman for the city of clay , in clay kentucky. i think you guys are doing a wonderful job . keep up the good work sincerely RANDY MELTON Vikki Brown - 04/29/98 20:12:13 My URL:/capitolhill/lobby/9645 My Email:vikkib@fullnet.netOrganization: Noble County Republican Women
Comments: I found your site by doing a search for info on the HB1213. This issue was discussed by our District Attorney, Mark Gibson, at our last meeting. I have already written my representatives and I am encouraging others to do the same. I hope you don't mind if I use your information to do so. Thank you. Daniel - 04/29/98 04:04:13 My URL: My Email:dwood@renet.comOrganization: home
Comments: keep up the good work have beautifull day in you beautiful car you drive accross town with on the beautiful outcome of life. Daniel wood Toby - 04/25/98 04:41:18 My Email:dodgesavr@juno.comOrganization: Tulsa Fire Dept.
Comments: I'm from Seminole and found your page to be very interesting. I've put you on my favorites list. Sheriff Sisco stopped me shortly after I turned 16 for reckless driving. What fond memories! SEQUOYAH D. QUINTON - 04/21/98 02:34:27 My Email:quinton@icok.netOrganization: PITTSBURG COUNTY SHERIFF'S DEPT.
Comments: You have a great web site. Thank you for your service to the community. God bless you and keep you safe. Come visit my site too.
Comments: Just wanted to let you know I like your site. I live in lawton and was looking at law enforcement sites in Oklahoma and happened to find yours. I started mine about a month ago... don't really know why I am doing it. I swear I didn't steal your backgrou d.. anyway just wanted to let you know I really liked your site. Candice - 03/31/98 21:59:45 My Email:phrawggur@hotmail.comOrganization: Packardbell
Comments: This is theTechnician you spoke with 03/31/98 to fix the modem Roberta O'loughlin - 03/08/98 21:00:10 My
Comments: I like your site. the deputies page isnt working though. Durwood Stout - 02/25/98 03:26:44 My URL: My Email:bawana@ionet.netOrganization: Tulsa County Courthouse Building Operations locksmith.
Comments: County and City County Jail Locksmith. Own and operate Stout Locks/Correctional Locksmithing Sales And Service. Specialize in County jails. Durwood Stout Rachelle Boettcher - 02/23/98 21:35:27 My
Comments: I am a c.j. major and I found your website through researching "truth in sentencing" info for a speech. Deputy Keith Brodrick - 02/16/98 16:51:26 My URL: My Email:kbrodrick@pldi.netOrganization: Blaine County Sheriff's Office
Comments: Very nice website. We need to get all the Oklahoma Sheriff's Linked by website. I would like to get a link on your page. We have a link to yours on our page. Keep up the good work. Connie - 02/12/98 04:53:24 My Email:willcon@chickasaw.comOrganization: Pontotoc County Sheriff's Office
Comments: Hi: I enjoyed looking at your page. We are thinking about getting on the internet at our office. If you have time contact us and let us know what your office thinks about being on the net and if it is helpful in any way for your agency. Thanks Connie JACK D. MIKE - 02/08/98 09:56:33 My Email:batman@oknet1.netOrganization: MUSKGOEE COUNTY SHERIFF DEPARTMENT
Comments: This is really nice. This is a good way not only to make your county look good, but a good way to make the state look good (Even though they are trying to screw us with this so called "TRUTH IN SENTENCING" TAKE CARE AND GOD BLESS JACK mike crelia - 01/13/98 01:21:19
Comments: Brad Calverley - 01/12/98 01:52:10 My URL: My
Comments: I'm a Sheriff's Officer in the County of Simcoe Province of Ontario, Canada. Just checking out your Web page.Looks good. John Walsh - 01/10/98 20:18:49 My Email:oksa@swbell.netOrganization: Oklahoma Sheriffs' Association
Comments: As always, Sheriff Sisco and his staff continue to lead Oklahoma sheriffs with their hard work and innovative ideas! Great Web page. - 01/06/98 02:17:34
Comments: You should list the list of sex offenders on the homepage donald marenchin - 01/04/98 15:27:44 My Email:donaldm@pgh.netOrganization: mercer co sheriffs dept Pa
Comments: scanning the www. very fine display of information donald marenchin - 01/04/98 15:27:36 My Email:donaldm@pgh.netOrganization: mercer co sheriffs dept Pa
Comments: scanning the www. very fine display of information Andy Borchardt - 12/11/97 03:22:37 My Email:Afyrfyter@aol.comOrganization: Wichita Falls Fire Dept.
Comments: Neat website, but still has some bugs to be worked out. I'm a friend of Deputy Jay Carroll. Be sure and tell him "hi". I'd be interested in learning or having a website built. teresa - 11/28/97 06:50:11 My
Comments: What a nice homepage! Keep up the good work! - 11/10/97 12:57:38
Comments: Dale Lauborough - 10/21/97 01:43:13 My Email:jeepman@sierra.netOrganization: US Border Patrol (ret)
Comments: Good looking page, just wanted to say hello & keep up the good work. I'm a native of Seminole but haven't been there since I was a kid, hope to stop & say hello some day. cheryl barnes - 10/13/97 18:47:35 My Email:DR.BARNES@centuryinter.netOrganization: TWIN SPUR PAINT RANCH
Comments: Nice web site. I was wondering if you paid for the site out of your own pocket or does the S.O. help out on the expense? JOHN MELSON - 09/24/97 04:21:51 My URL: My Email:z57@chickasaw.comOrganization: none
Comments: Browsing the web and came across page. Enjoyed it. Did my internship in your department from Jan. to May of 1990. Lt. Doug Parent - 09/13/97 22:02:34 My URL: My Email:lawman@4u.netOrganization: Mayes County Sheriffs Department
Comments: Nice Page, Come Visit Mine Joe - 09/12/97 12:35:02 My
Comments: Nice Website keep up the good work James Edwards - 08/25/97 15:56:08 My Email:Travisedwards@juno.comOrganization: DakotaCorp
Comments: Mr. Bolles, Joseph Santmyer - 08/15/97 01:31:25 My Email:santranch@sprintmail.comOrganization: Santmyer Ranch
Comments: Just searching for information on Oklahoma C.L.E.E.T. Certification and how it compares to Arizona P.O.S.T. Academic Certification. I like the site you's the reason that I submitted an application to the Seminole County Sheriff's Office and eve drove cross-country to get one! Joe Steve - 08/12/97 15:38:29 My URL: My Email:pscird1@erols.comOrganization: PSC, Inc.
Comments: We would like to extend an invitation to the Seminole County Sheriff's Office to come and register with our website, the Crime Information Network (CINet) at CINet is a FREE service open to the law enforcement community only and provides weekly updates consisting of feature articles on various topics from our readers. New for this week we have an article on Effects of Inhalants, How Street Gangs Control Prisons, and many more. Thank you for taking the time to login with us and please pass on the word about CINet. Steve G. Deputy Webmaster, CINet Warren Walker - 08/11/97 10:02:11 My URL: My Email:mcdw@aol.comOrganization: Retired
Comments: A very good page.........How about linking the Sheriff's page to his Home Town, Wewoka. Thank you Sven Ulrich - 08/09/97 11:40:17 My
Comments: Hello Sheriff I am a police officer in Germany. i collect patches of police departments around the world. Please send me your patch. Thank you and KEEP SAFE Sincerely, Sven Ulrich, Polizeikommissar My address: Polizeirevier Halle-Ost Kommissar S. Ulrich Dessauer Strasse 70 D 06118 Halle/Saale Germany Dennis G. Fossey - 08/09/97 04:39:39 My URL: My Email:precart@pla-net.netOrganization: Precision Cartridge, Inc.
Comments: Warren Walker - 08/06/97 12:45:37 My URL: My Email:mcdw@aol.comOrganization: Alumni Wewoka High - Old Tigers
Comments: This is a very good webpage for the Sheriff's Office. How about linking to I have linked to the this page....Let the Sheriff's department help out this little community and give it.. it's place in the Sun...