Law Enforcement Jobs

Sheriff Charles Sisco

Seminole County Oklahoma

1977 to Present


Employee Information

Seminole County Sheriff's Department

Key responsibilities

  1. Provide safety and security to citizens
  2. Operation of a County Jail.
  3. Serve Civil and Criminal Process Supoenas
  4. Background Checks for Brady Gun Law.
  5. Investigate Criminal Misconduct.
  6. Enforce the State and Federal Laws.

Contact Information

Seminole County Courthouse
100 South Wewoka Street
Wewoka Oklahoma 74884

Web address

Office phone
(405) 257-5445

FAX number
(405) 257-5509

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Biographical Information

Personal Milestone
Sheriff Sisco was appointed as Sheriff in 1977 following the ouster of the former Sheriff. Sisco has held the office since that time , and has more years in office than any other Sheriff in Seminole County History.
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Current Projects

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Comments and Suggestions

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Copyright Kevin Bolles.
Last revised: August 17, 1997.

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