Truth is Free

If you have the COURAGE to Believe!

I have dedicated this page to my many Liberal and Democrat Party friends. I have found through many years and hundreds of discussions (most of them civil) that the only thing a Liberal lacks is the TRUTH and hard FACTS.

Amoung many things in which Liberals from the White House to the Court House are wrong about include, the First Amendment, Clinton's record, the Reagan years and most importantly, God' s role in our nation. This page is here to help them (and you?).

Why does Mr. Clinton's nose grow like that?
Check this out! If you want to know the TRUTH about our founding fathers vision for this nation, my best friend Jay has written
a wonderful paper on The Heritage of a Godly Nation. Check it out!

Also, a student of mine, Brian has written a great paper comparing the Dole and Clinton acceptance speeches. He makes some brilliant observations about Clinton, you know the things the Liberal Media Elite won't say!

Hot Wave!  Listen to it!!!! Carman on Religion in Politics Wave File to download

American Eagle waving a US FlagThe Legacy of the Presidency (Where did we go wrong?)

An Unofficial Rush Page
The Unofficial Rush Limbaugh Page
1996 Republican Main Street
Joint Economic Committee
(See the TRUTH about Clintonomics)

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