Eyal Oron's Home Page
- Hello....My Name is Eyal Oron and I live in Hertzlia, which is a city north of Tel Aviv, in Israel.
- Revised December 24th, 1998, at 1:34 pm Israel Time.
You are visitor number since November 12th 1996.
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Thank you everyone for singing my guestbook and sending responses to me - please do more of that. Also, thank you for visiting my home page - I hope you have enjoyed it. I apologyze for the page not being perfect yet as it is lacking a lot. However, I hope to add more the upcoming future, so please come back again and pass this address to your friends too.
Before you leave, please help yourself to use my search engine:
My URL: http://start.at/eyal
I got it for free at http://come.to