Welcome to the Jewish Dude with a Conservative Attitude's Vacation Home

My "all year round" home is located here

If you would like to see what a "Right Wing Conservative Jew" looks like, just click on the "here" above.

The following is a Bias Review

With rave reviews like: "Best Conservative Page On The Web", "Words you always wanted to hear but were afraid to look for!", "What style, grace, content", Everyone should visit at least twice", "Like hard work & self reliance, this is really going to annoy the Liberals"....Shouldn't you take a peek? Go! Visit! -> Jewish Dude with a Conservative Attitude ... Good for your Soul!

My Christmas Present to YOU!
Merry Christmas?

Last suggestion; Don't forget to view the "Cute" link on the page and please let me know how you like it. If you have time, leave a comment in the Guest Book, also found there.
E-Mail me at jewishdude.geo@geocities.com

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