Tots and Teens: The Structure

Tots and Teens, Inc., conducts its programs on three levels:

Local Chapters are the principle medium for carrying out the mission of Tots and Teens. There are currently some 20 chapters nationwide serving approzimately 500 families.

Regional Structure is designed to foster interaction among chapters located in a specific area. There are three regional organizations: Eastern Seaboard, Mid-Western, and Southern.

National Structure embraces all member families who meet every two years for the National Convention (the next one will occur in August, 1997 in Prince George's County, Maryland) where the national officers are elected to serve for the succeeding two-year period. A National Executive Board Meeting is scheduled in the interim year. The powers of the national organization are vested with the National Executive Board of Directors composed of adult and youth officers.

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Last Update: 04/16/1997
Web Author: Chinelo Njaka for Tots and Teens, Inc.
Copyright ©1997 by Chinster Co. 1997 - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
