Tots and Teens, Inc.

Minneapolis/St. Paul Chapter

Welcome to the Tots and Teens, Inc. Web Site. Tots and Teens is a national family-oriented organization with an illustrious and exciting history spanning nearly 40 years.

Reflect for a moment...Have you ever thought how useful it would be to compare notes with others in a caring, non-judgmental way on issues surrounding rearing children and on family life generally? Have you at any time felt a need for an extended family beyond those immediately around you? If the answer to either of these questions is yes, then we invite you to read further to learn about a little-known but highly acclaimed organization called National Tots and Teens, Inc.


There are currently thirteen chapters of Tots and Teens in the United States. They are:

This page is ALWAYS under construction, so please visit frequently!!  Some features that will be added in the near future are:

(linked sentences are already up and functional, but are not completed)


Last Update: 06/15/1999

A lot of people have visited this page since Saturday, June 22, 1996.

Please Sign The Guestbook Guestbook by Lpage Please View The Guestbook

If you are a member of Tots and Teens, please sign the guestbook and tell us what you think of Tots and Teens and/or this web site.  We need a cooperative effort from ALL of the Tots and Teen members if this site is going to be successful.

Send us e-mail! We'd love to hear from you!

Last Update: 06/15/1999
Web Author: Chinelo Njaka for Tots and Teens, Inc.
Copyright ©1997-1999 by Chinster Co. 1997 - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
