Gay, lesbian, and bisexual employees
at the U.S. Department of Labor

How to Join

Our Mission

Labor-GLOBE's mission is to contribute to the development and maintenance of a positive Labor Department working environment that provides equal opportunities to all employees regardless of sexual orientation.

We are also committed to providing a supportive social and professional network for gay, lesbian, and bisexual employees and our supporters. (See our Bylaws to understand our structure.)

Who We Are

More than 50 Department of Labor employees--gay, straight, bisexual, and transgendered-- who are committed to developing a work environment that is tolerant of differences based on sexual orientation. Our officers serve one-year terms, with elections occurring every November.

Why We Formed

  • to reduce the isolation felt by most gay and lesbian employees
  • to work on the extension of EEO protection to cover sexual orientation discrimination
  • to contribute to diversity efforts in the Department
  • to educate employees about workplace issues
  • to aid the Department in developing policies affecting gays and lesbians, including AIDS policies

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