Travis Hart's Political Corner


My name is Travis Hart. I am interested in National politics. I guess you could call me a Conservative Populist, whatever that means today. I feel that we need an umbrella to get us through those rainstorms of life but that the umbrella needs to be removed after the storm is over. My children were raised to be conservative but I did too good a job, apparently. They call themselves Republicans. Oh well. Such is life. I also feel that we should be better informed to make decisions and that we should not be one issue candidates. Please email me with your comments.

Travis Hart

Member of Conservative Internet Forum and HTML Writers Guild

I am very much a Pro-Life person. I can not do Justice to the subject but these sites can. Please visit them

Ultimate Pro-Life Resource List

CPC's Online

Indiana Citizens for Life

Women and Children First

Since we are the World's Leader why not voice your Opinions?

Please Email your Congress Person. Let them know what you think.

Congressional Email

Please go to Page One for My Personal Opinions.

Page One

Larry's Corner Page Two

Larry's Corner

Care to annoy a Liberal? Get info here!

Patrick Ruffini's America

Are you a Conservative? My Links Page.

Conservative Links

Politics and more! Check it out!

This is Our House of Representatives. Check to see what bills are being considered.

House of Representatives

Please check this site to become better informed.

Vote Informed

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Democratic Party Republican Party

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