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Article I: Purpose
Section I:
The purpose of the Grove City College Republican
shall be to educate the students of Grove City
College about the principles and philosophy of
the Republican Party, as well as carry out the
mission statement of Grove City College. Club
members will also assist Republican Candidates
in their election efforts.
Article II: Membership
Section I:
Membership into the Grove City College Republicans
shall be granted to any person who:
A. Is either a full or part-time student
at Grove City College.
B. Considers himself/herself a Republican.
C. Has paid membership dues.
Section II:
Membership shall not be denied to any person based
on race, sex, religion, or national origin.
Article III: Leadership
Section I:
The organization shall be governed by an executive
board which consists of a Chairman, Vice-Chairman,
Secretary, Treasurer, and Executive Director.
Section II:
The Chairman may also appoint directors to assist
in the operation of special projects. These
directors shall not be members of the executive
board unless already holding an executive position.
These directors may be dismissed at the Chairman's
Article IV: Election of Officers
Section I:
Executive board elections shall be held within four
weeks of the start of the second semester.
Section II:
Only those members paid by the end of the previous
semester may vote. Dues will be set by the executive
Section III:
Any person wishing to run for an executive position
must be eligible according to the following guidelines:
A. The candidate must have paid dues.
B. The candidate must be a paid member
for at least one previous semester.
Section IV:
Offices shall be held for one calendar year taking
effect immediately following the elections.
Section V:
No senior shall be elected to office
Section VI:
The Vice-Chairman shall serve as Chairman for the
remainder of the term if the Chairman vacates that
office. All other vacated positions will be
appointed by the Chairman but must be approved by
a majority of the paid members present.
Section VII:
The Executive Director shall be an appointed
position, appointed by the Chairman and approved
by a majority of the Executive Board.
Section VIII
Nominations and elections will be held the same
night. The current Chairman will moderate the
election proceedings. The floor will be open
for nominations, until closed by a motion to do
so. At that time, the candidates for Chairman
will leave the room while each candidate is
discussed. A vote will be called and winner
will be notified immediately.
Section IX:
All members of the organization shall be informed
of the time and place of nominations and elections.
Section X:
Fifteen votes must be cast by paid members for a
vote to be valid.
Section XI:
Removal of a member of the executive board shall
be upon a vote for removal by a 3/4 of all paid
members present. The board member shall be
informed of the motion for removal seven days
prior to the vote. An executive board member
is expected to attend the weekly executive
committee's meeting and all other functions of
the College Republicans. A board member who has
three or more unexcused absences can be
removed by a 4/5 vote of the executive board.
Article V: Meetings
Section I:
The organization shall have a minimum of two
meetings a semester and shall meet at other
times when the Chairman or the majority of
the executive board deems necessary. Two days
prior notice shall be given to all members.
Article VI Funding
Section I:
Club money shall be raised through dues, fund
raisers, and contributions.
Section II:
Dues shall be set by the executive board.
Article VII: Amendments
Section I:
Amendments to this constitution shall be made by
a 2/3 vote of the executive board and then a 3/4
vote of the paid members at an announced meeting.
Section II:
By-laws consistent with this constitution may be
established with the consent of a majority vote
of paid members of an announced meeting.
Article VIII: Behavior
Section I:
All organizational activities will be in
compliance with Grove City College's rules
and policies, as stated in the Crimson.
For More Information Contact:
Grove City College Republicans
Grove City College Box 1297; 200 Campus Drive Grove City, PA 16127
Tel: (724) 458-3255
FAX: none
Internet: bonellict1@gcc.edu