Marxjour List
Journals, reviews and other periodical publications working in marxist tradition

Links - Journals
Imprints [UK]
Links [AU]
Science as Culture [UK]
Science as Culture [US]
Social Justice (e-zine)
CrossRoads [US]
Regards [FR]
Labour Left Briefing [UK]
En Defensa del Marxismo [AR]
New Worker
Morning Star [UK]
Revolutionary History [UK]
African Communist [ZA]
Against The Current [US]
The International Workers Bulletin
Socialist Forum
Left Business Observer
New Socialist
Socialist Worker [US]
Political Affairs [US]
Annali (Istituto Gramsci) [IT]
Studi Storici [IT]
Europa Europe [IT]
Socialism Today [UK]
Labor Militant [US]
Rethinking Marxism [US]
Living Marxism [UK]
International Socialism [UK]
La Verite / The Truth
Communism (Internationalist Communist Group)
Key Words: A Journal of Cultural Materialism [UK]
Links - Others
The Communist Manifesto - International Meeting
Books for Socialists [US]
World Socialist Books [UK]
Socialists and Communists Around the World
Other Progressive Sites
The Marx/Engels Archive
Marxist Sites Index
Marxism Leninism Project
The Spoon Marxism Space
On-Line Progressive Resources

If you want to see your URL here, please mail to:
November 12, 1997.
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