Marxjour mailing list's main goal is the promotion of links between the journals, reviews and other periodical publications working in marxist tradition.
The main idea is to send the indexes and summaries of such periodicals, perhaps including brief abstracts. In such way, anyone who is interested may be able to request the whole article in order to receive it.
Additional information such as upcoming events, congresses, and seminars may be also included.
Messages may be written in English, Spanish, French, Italian and Portuguese.
We hope that marxjour mailing list and the links it may create, will enable
us to strengthen the efforts of Marxists, who are all too often isolated in
these efforts.
When we begun Marxjour List in February 96 there still were little presence of marxist ideas on the Web.
We hoped that Marxjour mailing list and the links it could create would enable us to strengthen the efforts of Marxists who were all too often isolated in their efforts.
Today the presence of marxism on the Web is really important.
The circulation of ideas goes more dully than we would like and it takes other ways.
We think that Marxjour List was useful at his beginning. Today it has not sense.
So that since today we finish the operation of the list.
Surely we will meet in other more interesting places.
September 27 1999.
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