Leonard Peltier Defence Committee
My Brothers and Sisters,
It is hard for me to believe that the year 2000 is so quickly approaching us. As I sit in this cell and think about my grandchildren who are growing up so fast, my friends who have passed on, and the many years of my life that have been stolen from me, I remind myself of the attention my own suffering has brought to the realities of Indigenous Peoples everywhere. I know that my own persecution has become a symbol of the persecution all of our people face everyday.
But I have not given up hope for freedom. Today I am asking you to stand up and represent me and everything I am so proud of: the dignity, spirituality, and pride of the First Nations Peoples of the world.
My dream is to continue what the Trail of Broken Treaties started: an event that will have a historic and lasting effect in the minds and consciousness of the public. We are hoping to carry out such an event this November in Washington, DC. November will be a critical time for my freedom campaign.
This December will be Clinton's last likely chance to grant me Executive Clemency. My defense team will have been steadily lobbying Congress to support clemency for two months prior to the event. Therefore, November will be an important time for a strong show of public support.
The irony is that at the same time, "Native American Heritage Month" and the Thanksgiving holiday will be occurring and will be bringing additional attention on Native Americans into the public, making November an important month to bring real issues of Indigenous Peoples of the U.S. into the limelight of the media.
I believe that we can accomplish a successful campaign to do this if we all pull our resources together. I can visualize all the colors of our Native Nations' flags flying high around a culturally brilliant and attention attracting event in front of the White House this Fall.
The thought of different Indigenous Nations coming together in unity to support sovereignty, human rights, dignity, cultural preservation, and my freedom, warms my heart. Please read the proposal attached to find out more about our plans and how you can help. Thank you.
In the Spirit of Crazy Horse,
Leonard Peltier
Forward from KOLA hq.
Dear friends and supporters, September 12th will be Leonard Peltier's 54th birthday. We are asking all of his friends and supporters to remember him on this day.Having a birthday behind prison walls is never easy. Having to spend TWO DECADES of them locked away INNOCENT is intolerable.
Please think about letting Leonard know that he is in your thoughts by sending birthday cards to:
Leonard Peltier
Box 1000
Leavenworth, Kansas 66048 (USA)
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