Latest updates:
June 2006 - Lois' 70th Birthday Surprise Party May 2006 - Our trip to Washington, D.C. April 2006 - Pesach Seder 2006, Our trip to Philadelphia, Some Spring 2006 photos, and our trip to the UN Building February 2006 - Dov's trip to Ukraine September 2005 - Moving in to our new apartment in Manhattan August 2005 - Our new apartment in Manhattan July 2005 - Our Trip to Germany April 2005 - Our trip to Hawaii November 2004 - Our trip to Vegas and the Hoover Dam - Thanksgiving 2004 October 2004 - Leslie's trip to Germany October 2004 - Dov's trip to Manchester May 2004 - Dov gets U.S. Citizenship December 2003 - Thanksgiving 2003 November 2003 - Nevet's recovery July 2003 - Our trip back to Israel May 2003 - Dena's Graduation April 2003 - Our trip to Joshua Tree December 2002 - Leslie's Thirtieth Birthday Funeral Party, Things we saw in Southern California in late 2002 November 2002 - Netta and Nevet at two years old October 2002 - Chalk drawings in Valencia July 2002 - Our trip to San Diego Zoo June 2002 - Our trip to Atlanta May 2002 - Leslie's graduation, Our parents' visits to LA, Dena's Surprise Birthday Party March 2002 - Our trip to Cincinnati October 2001 - Our trip to San Francisco, Our trip to Disneyland September 2001 - Dov's trip to Cuba, Dena and Nessa pictures July 2001 - more wedding photos.