Welcome to Dov and Leslie's website!
Our America Pages

Living in Israel
Around the World

Our Bookmarks

Dov's Work

Our Wedding

Family and Friends
At Leslie's graduation, summer 2002
Latest updates:

June 2006 -
Lois' 70th Birthday Surprise Party
May 2006 -
Our trip to Washington, D.C.
April 2006 -
Pesach Seder 2006, Our trip to Philadelphia, Some Spring 2006 photos, and our trip to the UN Building
February 2006 -
Dov's trip to Ukraine
September 2005 -
Moving in to our new apartment in Manhattan
August 2005 -
Our new apartment in Manhattan
July 2005 -
Our Trip to Germany
April 2005 -
Our trip to Hawaii
November 2004 -
Our trip to Vegas and the Hoover Dam - Thanksgiving 2004
October 2004 -
Leslie's trip to Germany
October 2004 -
Dov's trip to Manchester
May 2004 -
Dov gets U.S. Citizenship
December 2003 -
Thanksgiving 2003
November 2003 -
Nevet's recovery
July 2003 -
Our trip back to Israel
May 2003 -
Dena's Graduation
April 2003 -
Our trip to Joshua Tree
December 2002 -
Leslie's Thirtieth Birthday Funeral Party, Things we saw in Southern California in late 2002
November 2002 -
Netta and Nevet at two years old
October 2002 -
Chalk drawings in Valencia
July 2002 -
Our trip to San Diego Zoo
June 2002 -
Our trip to Atlanta
May 2002 -
Leslie's graduation, Our parents' visits to LA, Dena's Surprise Birthday Party
March 2002 -
Our trip to Cincinnati
October 2001 -
Our trip to San Francisco, Our trip to Disneyland
September 2001 -
Dov's trip to Cuba, Dena and Nessa pictures
July 2001 -
more wedding photos.
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