Ray Goforth

Welcomes You

to the

Progressive Law Student Web Page

Last Updated May 10, 1998.

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If there is no struggle, there is no progress. Those who profess to favor freedom and yet depreciate agitation are people who want crops without plowing up the ground. They want rain without thunder and lightning. That struggle might be a moral one; it might be a physical one; it might be both moral and physical, but it must be a struggle. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will. People might not get all that they work for in this world, but they must certainly work for all they get.

---Frederick Douglass

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I first created this web site a couple years ago to serve as a resource for those law students who want to use their education in the pursuit of social justice. As my own proficiency at html programming has progressed it seems that this page has been left behind as one of my least creative efforts. Despite my shortcomings, I still receive many compliments and enough hits to let me know that this page is still serving its function. I plan on doing a major overhall of it soon incorporating some of the new tricks I have learned and many of your suggestions. Please keep them coming. Below you will find links to on-line Magazines and Law Journals, Progressive Organizations (wide spectrum), Law Databases and Employment Information, Upcoming Events, and Discussion Lists. If you have any suggestions for links please send them to me at the address prompt at the bottom of the page. For those of you who are curious, here is my Resume and my Personal Web Page. I taught myself (html) the web programming langauge as a hobby over the course of a summer and if that doesn't inspire you to do the same, I don't know what can. Add me to your bookmark list. You'll want to visit often.

Ray Goforth

3L at the University of Washington School of Law

On-Line Magazines, Law Journals and other media Legal and Other Databases Employment Information Progressive Organizations
Law Schools, Law Students and Lawyers Upcoming Events Discussion Groups Web Search

On-Line Magazines, Law Journals and other Media

Legal and Other Databases

Employment Information

Progressive Organizations

Law Schools, Law Students and Lawyers

Upcoming Events

Discussion Groups

Web Search

Links to other sites on the Web

Court TV Web Site
Lionel Hutz Site (Lawyer from The Simpsons)
Another Lionel Hutz Site
Internet Roulette Takes You to a Randomly Chosen Web Site Each and Every Time. (Great Fun)

© 1996 rgoforth@u.washington.edu