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[Your MOM here!][Your MOM here!]

Well folks, here it is: My HomePage.

Brought to you by the Instigator of Impiety -- anomen, aka Jonathan Esher.

I have more philosophical rhetoric: want to see?
A good quote for a fortune cookie: "Beware of being carried off by someone from a family whose tree doesn't branch."

[My '98 VTR1000F, height 199]
I have another website that only has motorcycles on it. Why? you may ask... Well, motorcycles are a great love of mine, and I'd like to share that with the rest of the world via the internet. Plenty of links, pics, and opinions. Head on over to and take a look.

[acid tab]

[bodyart pic]

This is the strangest question I've ever seen; it's from the Trivial Pursuit game, Genus edition, Arts & Literature:
Q: "What did the 12-member Polecat Indian tribe sell in Dogpatch?"
A: "Kickapoo Joy Juice"

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"Otherwise, if you must know, I feel like a senior blue beaver." -- Mr. Ronald Reagan, former President, back in his acting days.
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