Brought to you by the Instigator of Impiety -- anomen, aka Jonathan Esher.
I have more philosophical rhetoric: want to see?
A good quote for a fortune cookie: "Beware of being carried off by someone from a family whose tree doesn't branch."
I have another website that only has motorcycles on it. Why? you may ask... Well, motorcycles are a great love of mine, and I'd like to share that with the rest of the world via the internet. Plenty of links, pics, and opinions. Head on over to and take a look.
Hey, I've graduated from New York University. (That means I'm a college grad for you slow ones out there.) Do I have any career plans? Hell no! Not unless you consider 'living off of cheap wine on a Greek Island and philosophizing with anyone who comes around' a plan.
Grad school is a possibility, though. Here are a few links for potential graduate schools.
(update 991010): I am currently enrolled in the University of New Mexico School of Law. Yes, for all you bright students out there, that means I will likely be a lawyer in the next 3 years. Yeah, I was surprised too...
Music is an important part of my life. Check out some of the bands that I spend my time listening to. I've got two sections, divided alphabetically into bands (A-M) and bands (N-R). They've both got pictures that may take a little while to load, so it made sense to divide the music up
Are you currently under the effects of psychadelics? Tripping your nuts off? If so, I had the website for you, but alas, it looks as if that page is no longer available. Fear not though! If I find another worthy psychadelic site, I'll be sure to link it here.
That first website is the Hyperreal site. It's a good one.
Take a look at Lycaeum. It's the
Internet's largest source for drug oriented information.
I'm also into body piercing; actually it's into me. If you want to know what I have, send me e-mail and I'll let ya know. I got my tongue done, my 13th and final pierce, on my birthday, so now it's on to tattoos! Here's a page full of pics of my piercings
I got my first tattoo today [970813]; it's a ~2 inch long honey bee on my right forearm. The actual tattooing wasn't too bad, though I did completely pass out and go unconscious at one point. Why is it that I always forget to eat before I get any body mods? Here's a picture of it. [000604] New picture here.
I am now [980923] the proud owner of another tattoo: a self designed tribal-esque wristband on my left wrist. Here's a picture of it; and another; and a third. [000604] Some new pics: top view; bottom view.
[000604] Another tattoo! Got a self designed yin-yang/waves arm band today. Here's a fresh picture of my ~8 hour old tattoo, taken by my Logitech webcam. The band is shiny due to the A&D ointment that is covering my healing tat. Also, you may notice a little color bleeding as well since the tat is so new. A newly created page of my 3rd tat pics.
Thinking about getting something done? Or, just want to see some pictures? Go to the BME: Body
Modification Ezine or SPC Online. They are both wealthy with information on all sorts of body modification.
Also check out the newsgroup affectionately known as RAB: rec.arts.bodyart. It has
information on all types of body art. This website has all the FAQ's for RAB. Hey, there's even an interactive piercing game called Piercing Mildred.
I have come to realize that I am a political person. (Also take a look at my first page) I've set up (another) page outlining my views and thoughts on the current state of politics, as well as including a couple of important links, such as an online voter registration and link to information about various terrorism groups throughout the world. Take a look.
The other night I was out with a few friends and we collectively wrote some poetry. The result of our drunken wisdom is a few lines of poetic genius. See for yourself: Page 1; Page 2. [These have not been edited from the originals.]
Hey, if you thought they were funny, I have some REAL humor for you, shamelessly stolen from my humor link.
I have a page of quotes and other cool little snipits for ya. It's even got a bible reference on it; what more could you want? Take a look.
I have a few friends, some of which even have their own homepages. [Even if you are not interested in my friends, at least go to check out the wallpaper.]
This is the strangest question I've ever seen; it's from the Trivial
Pursuit game, Genus edition, Arts & Literature:
Q: "What did the 12-member Polecat Indian tribe sell in Dogpatch?"
A: "Kickapoo Joy Juice"
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"Otherwise, if you must know, I feel like a senior blue beaver." -- Mr. Ronald Reagan, former President, back in his acting days.