"Rationalization" - CFR philosophy of greed

Jeffersonian democracy is based upon a philosophy driven by civic virtue. The Council on Foreign Relations is manipulating the American people into "rationalizing" a global economy driven by a dollar philosophy based upon greed. In TRAGEDY AND HOPE, Quigley writes about a Council on Foreign Relations philosophical doctrine called "rationalization.

Ethics and morals are the essence of humanity. Without ethics and morals one becomes inhuman. "Rationalization" removes ethics and morals from the intelligence equation. "Rationalization" is a false philosophy, driven by selfishness and used to rationalize immoral decisions. "Rationalization" disregards the adverse effects ones actions can have on others as long the desired result is obtained. "Rationalization" is an application of the philosophy that "the ends justify the means."

Council on Foreign Relations controlled munition, medicine, media, energy and food industries profit, at the expense of unhappiness and suffering of countless human beings. Their profit is maximized during periods of unrest which they create through large scale psycho-political operations designed to cause tension between different target groups that keep the world in a state of perpetual warfare. The war machine generated profits are exhibited as "rationalization" and evidence of the effectiveness of the immoral methods used to generate them. Left out of the profit picture is the cost in human suffering required to produce those profits.

Carroll Quigley's "TRAGEDY AND HOPE" is a diplomatic, military, economic, and cultural history of the world from about 1900 to 1950. Quigley was professor of western civilization and history at the Foreign Service School of Georgetown University. His credentials as a historian were excellent, and he was well-connected with the Washington elite. Quigley was a consultant for the Brookings Institution, the Defense Department, the State Department, and the Navy. The Georgetown University Foreign Service.School maintains close ties with the the Center for Strategic and International Studies, established in 1962. CSIS included a number of people on its staff who had high-level CIA connections. Quigley moved in these circles until his death in 1977. One of Quigley's students was CFR member William Jefferson Clinton. Was Quigley a CIA or State Department operative doubling as a University Professor? [1]

According to Quigley:

"I know of the operations of this network [the Institutes of International Affairs, Institutes of Pacific Relations, and the Council on Foreign Relations] because I have studied it for twenty years and was permitted for two years, in the early 1960s, to examine its papers and secret records. I have no aversion to it or to most of its aims and have, for much of my life, been close to it and to many of its instruments. I have objected, both in the past and recently, to a few of its policies, but in general my chief difference of opinion is that it wishes to remain unknown, and I believe its role in history is significant enough to be known." Why would the Council on Foreign Relations chose an outsider as their historian?

Rationalization appeared at the end of the 19th Century, the same time the Rhodes-Milner secret society was formed. Quigley writes, rationalization, "was first used ... to solve problems of mass production, and led, step by step, to assembly-line techniques in which regulated quantities of materials (parts), power, labor, and supervision were delivered ... to produce a continuous outflow of some final product...Naturally, such a process serves to dehumanize the productive process and, since it also seeks to reduce every element in the process to a repetitive action, it leads eventually to an automation in which every supervision is electronic and mechanical." [2]

According to Quigley, rationalization "is a method of dealing with problems and processes in an established sequence of steps, thus: (1) isolate the problem; (2) separate it into its most obvious stages or areas; (3) enumerate the factors which determine the outcome desired in each stage or area; (4) vary the factors in a conscious, systematic, and (if possible) quantitative way to maximize the outcome desired in the stage or area concerned; and (5) reassemble the stages or areas and check to see if the whole problem or process has been acceptably improved in the direction desired." [3]

This is a definition of the scientific method. Science is systemized knowledge derived from observation, study, and experimentation. Rational thinking requires applying knowledge in a way that will do the most good for all. "Rationalization" misapplies scientific thinking to increase product produced at the cost of "dehumanization" -- a most irrational, unethical, and unscientific choice. A choice antithetical to an economic system based on Judeo/Christian ethics. Rationalization isn't a philosophy -- it is a pseudo-philosophy used to rationalize irrational thought. To "dehumanize" human beings and turn them into automatons is irrational -- no human being in their right mind would want this to happen to them.

A taxonomy classifies objects according to their natural relationships. From 1949 to 1953 a group of educators worked together to develop a Taxonomy of educational objectives. Their taxonomy of the cognitive domain deals with recall or recognition of knowledge and the development of intellectual abilities and skills. It contains six major classes:

Knowledge - Recalling specifics, universals, methods, processes, patterns, structures or settings.

Comprehension - Understanding what is communicated and using the material without relating it to other material or seeing its fullest implications.

Application - Using abstractions in particular and concrete situations.

Analysis - Breaking down a problem into its parts -- determining what has to be done.

Synthesis - Designing different solutions to solve the problem by putting together the parts to form a whole -- determining how to do it.

Evaluation - Choosing the best solution or design for solving the problem . [4]

Aristotle wrote "any occupation or art or study deserves to be called mechanical if it renders the body or soul or intellect of free persons unfit for the exercise of the practice of excellence." Unfortunately a small group can achieve this state. The group consciously makes decisions that benefit their own self interest at the expense of others. Such a mechanical state is reached if this group is able to achieve control. No matter how well meaning, or dedicated members of the occupation, or practitioners of the art, or students involved in the study -- they will never be able to achieve quality in their work, if the group controlling that occupation, or art, or study will not allow them to.

"Rationalization" are analysis and synthesis part of the scientific method. Absent from the philosophy of "Rationalization" is evaluation -- the stage that requires making the best choice and puts constraints on the outcome. Such constraints are embodied in sets of ethical and moral guidelines agreed to by the members of a society. Such constraints are embodied in ethics and moral codes. Such constraints are embodied in the Golden Rule, the Ten Commandments, the Teachings of Buddha, and the Laws of Mohammed. Such constraints allow individuals to act in their own best interest and at the same time in the best interest of others.

A recent survey of the psychological literature database showed 1400 articles on intelligence, 256 articles on ethics and only four articles on intelligence and ethics. Is evaluative intelligence missing from intelligence definitions and measures by design?

Quigley continues, "From the basically engineering problem of production, rationalization gradually spread into the more dominant problem of business. From maximizing production, it shifted to maximizing profits. This gave rise to "efficiency experts" such as Frederick Winslow Taylor (whose The Principles of Scientific Management appeared in 1911) and, eventually, to management consultants, like Arthur D. Little, Inc.. As in so many other innovations, the introduction of rationalization into war was begun by the British and then taken over on an enormous scale, by the Americans. Its origin is usually attributed to the efforts of Professor P. M.S. Blackett (Nobel Prize 1948) to apply radar to antiaircraft guns. From there Blackett took the technique into antisubmarine defense whence it spread, under the name 'Operational Research' into many aspects of the War effort..First news of the success of Operations Research in Britain was brought to the United States by President Conant in 1940 and formally introduced by Vannevar Bush, as chairman of the New Weapons Committee of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, in 1942. By the end of the war, the technique had spread extensively through the American war effort, and with the arrival of peace, became an established civilian profession. The best known example of this is the Rand Corporation, a private research and development firm, under contract to the United States Air Force...Similar groups arose in Britain. One of the most complex applications of the technique has been Operation Bootstrap, by which the Puerto Rican Industrial Development Corporation, advised by Arthur D. Little, Inc. has sought to transform the Puerto Rican economy." [5] One must wonder,since Arthur D. Little Inc. was an proponent of "rationalization" whether or not Arthur D. Little considered what "dehumanizing" effects Operation Bootstrap would have on the lives of the average Puerto Ricans.

Conspicuously absent from Quigley's history of "rationalization" is an Operations Research project, lead by W. Edward Deming that took place in the 1950's. According to Deming the aim of the study was, "transformation of the style of American management." What the study resulted in was the loss of thousands of jobs for the American Automobile Worker and the American Steel Worker.

Deming writes, "Transformation of American style of management is not the job or reconstruction or revision. It requires a whole new structure, from foundation upwards. Mutation might be the word, except mutation implies unordered spontaneity. Transformation must take place with directed effort. The aim of this book is to supply the direction. Need for governmental transformation of governmental relations with industry will be obvious...Improvement of quality transfers waste of man-hours and of machine-time into the manufacture of good product and better service. The result is a chain reaction, lower costs, better competitive position, happier people on the job, jobs and more jobs...Management in some companies in Japan observed in 1948 and 1949 that improvement of quality begets naturally and inevitably improvement of productivity. This observation came from the work of a number of Japanese engineers who studied literature on quality control suppled by engineers from Bell Laboratories then working on General MacArthur's staff. The literature included Walter A. Shewhart's book Economic Control of Quality of Manufactured Product (Van Nostrand, 1931: repr. ed., American Society for Quality Control). The results were exciting, showing that productivity does indeed improve as variation is reduced, just as prophesied by the methods and logic in Shewhart's book. As a result of a foreign experts visit in the summer of 1950, the following chain reaction became engraved in Japan as a way of life. This chain reaction was on the blackboard of every meeting with top management in Japan from July 1950 onward: Improve Quality } -> Cost decrease because of less rework, fewer mistakes, fewer delays, snags; better use of machine-time and materials } -> Productivity improves } -> Capture the market with better quality and lower price } -> Stay in Business } -> Provide jobs and more jobs...With no lenders nor stockholders to press for dividends, this effort became an undivided bond between management and production workers. An unfriendly takeover or a leveraged buyout does not take place in Japan." [6]

Deming's callous, characterless nature are evidenced in his atom bomb allusions. Deming's chain reaction was due less to the effectiveness of Operations Research techniques then simply having a cheaper more docile labor pool to exploit. Many of the "jobs and more jobs," the Japanese worker realized came at the expense of jobs lost by Americans. Americans were paid higher wages then the Japanese ; had to deal with the unfriendly takeovers and leveraged buyouts; hadn't had an atom bomb dropped on them; and had unionized to prevent management from taking advantage of them.

Council on Foreign Relations members maximized their profits by capitalizing on the higher quality, less expensive cars produced by the Japanese worker, transporting and selling those cars to Americans. At the same time the Council on Foreign Relations created tension; tension between the American worker and the Japanese worker; and, tension between the American automobile worker and other Americans who bought the less expensive higher quality Japanese product. Tension that divided and conquered the Automobile workers unions -- unions that the Council on Foreign Relations managers wanted to control.

A similar scenario is being played out today, by exporting American jobs to cheaper labor in foreign lands under NAFTA..The cheaper labor is exploited and American labor finds itself jobless. In the meantime Council on Foreign Relations members on the Board of Directors and their fraternity brothers in Foreign Nations reap tremendous profits underselling the products produced by American workers.

Quigley continues, "A great impetus has been given to rationalization of society in the postwar world by...new developments. Among these have been applications of game theory, information theory, symbolic logic, cybernetics, and electronic computing. The newest of these was probably game theory, worked out by a Hungarian refugee mathematician, John von Neumann, at the Institute for Advanced Study. This applied mathematical techniques to situations in which persons sought conflicting goals in a nexus of relationships governed by rules. Closely related to this were new mathematical methods for dealing with decision-making. The basic work in the new field was the book Theory of Games and Economic Behavior, by John von Neumann and Oskar Morgenstern (Princeton 1944)...These, and related techniques, are now transforming methods of operation and behavior in all aspects of life and bringing on a large-scale rationalization of human life which is becoming on of the most significant characteristics of Western Civilization in the twentieth century." [7]

The Institute of Advanced Study at Princeton was a reasonable copy of Britain's Royal Institute of International Affairs chief Oxford headquarters, All Souls College, organized by Council on Foreign Relations member Abraham Flexner of the Carnegie Foundation and Rockefeller's General Education Board, from plans drawn by Tom Jones, one of Britain's Royal Institute of International Affairs most active intriguers and foundations administrators. [8]

Among Von Neuman's colleagues at The Institute for Advanced Study, were Einstein, Oppenheimer, and Council on Foreign Relations member George F. Kennan. Quigley tells us "the mobilization of rationalization under the Office of Scientific Research and Development and the National Defense Research Committee by those two Massachusetts Yankees, Bush and Conant, is one of the miracles of the war." Quigley's got it backwards, given the amount of American tax-payer dollars Bush and Conant were in control of ($460 million), the miracle would have been not mobilizing "rationalization". In the 1940's $460 million dollars could get a lot of scientists mobilized to "rationalizing" the suffering death and destruction of countless millions of human beings especially if they were the ones paid to produce the war machines rather than the ones paid to use the wars machines. To get the American people to go along with such "rationalization" required finding an enemy to loath and fear, and be willing to go to war over. Part of the money spent on "scientific research" by Bush and Conant, went to researchers who used the money to develop psycho-political PSYOPS at home and abroad that brought such a monster to power.

In 1975 Council on Foreign Relations magazine FOREIGN AFFAIRS published an article describing how the CFR's globalony works, "There was a creaming off and co-option of the natural elite of the working class [in America]. Some members were drawn off... to higher education... Their followers were pacified... by vicarious participation in the structure of power and... by receipt of slightly increased shares of a very rapidly growing pie. There is no evidence that any existing wealth was redistributed. " The article suggests the Third World could be co-opted in the same way. Since the Cold War ended the CFR and branch organizations in other nations have been co-opting and dividing eastern Europe.

FOREIGN AFFAIRS (1973) explains the Corporate evolutionary process will be replacement of governments with control by large multinational Corporations and "the end of nationality and national governments as we know them." Isn't this an Oligarchy - where the ruling power belongs to a few people - the corporate managers?

Are we living in a capitalistic society or a system designed to generate profound psychological insecurities by the depersonalization of business? Is the stock market a device used to give the perception of public ownership? Where the nominal owners are too widely dispersed to exercise any degree of effective control over small controlling groups of Council on Foreign Relations members who own large blocks of stock and sit on the Corporations Board of Directors? Is American capitalism simply State ownership, where State control is in the hands of the CFR rather than the Communist Party elite (aka Russian Institute of Pacific Relations members)?

Shouldn't the corporate evolutionary process evolve into a system where employees are the only stockholders, with capital raised from bond sales alone? An employee's shares would reflect the value they add to the product the company produces. Salaries would be stock dividends from profits. The more profitable the corporation the more all employees would be paid. In such a system workers would do things freely and intelligently, not only for the wage earned, and under the instruction of their management.

Such a system would give the great majority of workers a direct personal interest in their company and insight into the social aims of their pursuits. Under the current arrangement a workers result is not the ends of their own actions, but only of their employers. Would an employee owned corporation "rationalize" a product that could endanger their family members, co-workers, friends and neighbors as easily as a small group of greedy self-serving Board of Directors and Corporate Executives?

Is the Council on Foreign Relations trying to destroy the American Peoples belief in God to manipulate them into accepting "Rationalization." The Council on Foreign Relations controls the Executive, Legislative, and Judicial systems.What better way to destroy the faith of a nation then by legislating and legalizing immorality. Encouraging witnesses to lie under oath encourages people to take the Lords name in vain; condones bearing false witness against ones neighbors; and allows the guilty to go free while encouraging people to steal and murder. Legalizing divorce legalizes and encourages adultery and promiscuity. Legalizing abortion legalizes and encourages murder. What better way to attack a people's faith then to confuse them about the ethics and morals that guide that faith?

You can stop the Council on Foreign Relations, by making them visible. Tell other Americans who the Council on Foreign Relations are, and what they are doing.

How would Council on Foreign Relations prize winning University Professors, Historians, Authors, Statesmen, Politicians, and Journalists explain to a Grand Jury, why links to the Council on Foreign Relations are missing from major news stories, and from the history books?


[1] From NameBase NewsLine, No. 1, April-June 1993:Clinton, Quigley, and Conspiracy: What's going on here? http://www.pir.org/

[2] Quigley, Carroll, The World Since 1939: A History, Collier Books, New York, Collier Macmillan Ltd., London, Originally published as Part II TRAGEDY AND HOPE, pg 176-177

[3] Ibid

[4] Bloom, Benjamin S, Taxonomy of Educational Objectives - The Classification of Educational Goals, Book 1 Cognitive Domain, (1956, 1984), Longman, New York 95 Church Street, White Plains, New York 10601

[5] Quigley, Carroll, The World Since 1939: A History, Collier Books, New York, Collier Macmillan Ltd., London, Originally published as Part II Tragedy and Hope, pg 178

[6] Deming W. Edwards, Out of Crisis, MIT Center for Advanced Engineering Study, Cambridge Mass., 1986, pg 1-5

[7] Quigley, Carroll, The World Since 1939: A History, Collier Books, New York, Collier Macmillan Ltd., London, Originally published as Part II Tragedy and Hope, pg 182-3

[8] Hadley Cantril, The Human Dimension: Experiences in Policy Research, Rutgers The State University, 1967 pg 32-34, 30-31; he War and Peace Studies of The Council On Foreign Relations 1939-1945, The Harold Pratt House 58th E. 68th Street, NY, 1946, pg. 24; Quigley, Carroll, Tragedy and Hope, Macmillan, New York 1966, p. 953


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Title-50 War and National Defense § 783 states - "It shall be unlawful for any person knowingly to combine,
conspire, or agree with any other person to perform any act which would substantially contribute to the
establishment within the United States of a totalitarian dictatorship, the direction and control of which is to be
vested in, or exercised by or under the domination of control of, any foreign government."

The Council on Foreign Relations are in violation of Title-50 War and National Defense § 783. The Council
on Foreign Relations has unlawfully and knowingly combined, conspired, and agreed to substantially
contribute to the establishment of one world order under the totalitarian dictatorship, the direction and the
control of members of Council on Foreign Relations, the Royal Institute of International Affairs, and
members of their branch organizations in various nations throughout the world. That is totalitarianism on a
global scale.