American National Government for Southern Students
This web page provides Internet/Web links related to
American national government and politics. The first
link listed below will connect you to a web page developed
by the authors of the textbook for Political Science 201. Following the textbook link are other web links which will connect you to essential information about American national government.
Government and Politics Today A web link created by
the authors of our textbook American Government and Politics
Today: The Essentials (1998-1999) which includes chapter-
by-chapter information.
- Political This web page includes links to government agencies, candidates, political parties, newspapers and just
about everything associated with government and politics.
FedWeb A link to ALL national government agencies on
the internet--connect to the White House, Congress, the
Supreme Court and all federal agencies.
- Presidents of the
United States Look up information on all of the Presidents
of the United States.
- Core
Documents of U.S. Democracy Read the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, the Federalist Papers and more, plus you can search the Congressional
Record, Supreme Court decisions and the Federal Register and more
compliments of the Government Printing Office (GPO).
- The Oyez Project A searchable database of Supreme Court cases and Justices.
- ALL POLITICS This is a
web site created by TIME magazine and CNN for coverage of
current political news.
- The Gallup Poll The
most respected public opinion poll in the U.S. provides information about the views of American citizens.
- Political
Science Courses on the Web Check out political science
courses at other colleges in the U.S.--see their syllabi and
course requirements.
Use the Political Information Search Engine to find a topic--type your topic in the box and click "Go"

I Support Free Speech Online
by Mike Pfaffenberger,
Associate Professor,
Southern West Virginia Community and Technical College,
Williamson, West Virginia 25661
(Last Revised: July 1999)
© 1997
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