However, I will tell you that I used to work at
Ed's Place, where I learned to work on
big iron, and where I contracted a
terminal case of datadinkiness.
I also have done work in some capacity for the
Misbegotten Children, but believe me, I had nothing whatsoever to do with
this project.
I will also tell you that, despite what anyone might say, I have nothing to do with this guy.
Here are some industry issues I'm following
For professional reasons, I have been hanging around the comp.infosystems.www.authoring.html newsgroup. I haven't enjoyed it very much.
Xiaomu is by far the best collection of Windows 95 Internet software that I have found. Further, he takes the trouble to review the listings. It is a superb technical resource.
Microsoft's Site Builder Network is one of the best deals on the net. All you have to do is post a page with one ActiveX control and a Microsoft logo, and you get a ton of free software and technical info. I recommend it highly.