
Here's some of my favorite stuff...
I think this is so cool: the live action cam on the roof of the Softronics building in Colorado Springs. I used to have this view every morning during my commute to school.
Test your skill on the GNU chess server. I know it's an easy simulation, but I have yet to beat the darn thing.
My former home and an area of the country for which I still have a lot of affection: The Outer Banks of North Carolina.
You might not believe it for someone who talks like such a geek, but art history is my passion and favorite bedtime topic. I love web pages about art done by college students, mainly because they seem to care as much as I do. Unfortunately, they graduate and their pages go away. Let's hope that this smart-ass hangs around for a while.
As for my favorite artist, not because he was good but because he was interesting, see some absolutely gorgeous stuff by Jack the Dripper at the WebMuseum. And if you care to find out why I think he is so interesting, you could ask Clement Greenburg, but for pity's sake don't ask this guy. I would think that someone with such an ugly web page would be a little more even-handed, but I like Picasso, too, so what the hell do I know.
I put together a little tribute to some of my friends who think they're smarter than me. I hope you enjoy it.
This confirms something I have long suspected.


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