
Note: I am providing this information only as a frame of reference. I do not claim any special authority by virtue of my formal education.
I have a Master of Science degree in Human Resources Management from Golden Gate University. I earned it over a period of about 2 1/2 years, while working full-time and going to school full-time at the Golden Gate extension campus at Camp Lejeune, North Carolina.
I have a Bachelor of Arts degree in Communication from The University of Colorado. I finished paying off all my educational loans at the end of 1997.
I also have an Associate of Arts degree from Pikes Peak Community College, a school we affectionately referred to as "Poopoo U". I believe strongly in the role of community colleges, whereby they provide up-to-date technical training to local industry, as well as provide a stepping stone to a four-year college for students who, for whatever reason, are not yet ready for it.
I somehow managed to get into college after dropping out of this dump.

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