One World Government is the phrase that strikes fear into the hearts of many Christians and non-Christians alike, they have heard of the anti-christ and how he will set up his government and how he will rule this world with an iron hand. It brings out the mark of the beast, the number of the beast, and one world currency, without which one will not be able to buy or sell. I do not look lightly upon any of these because they are recorded in God's word and because I believe His word. I believe that not one jot or tittle of it will pass away, all will be fulfilled. God is bound to His word, He has bound Himself to it and He will not have it changed. What is written, is written.
Herein lies the problem. Many of the woes that are predicted are created by man's interpretation of the word of God and not by the word itself. Let me show you some of these.
I am a long term believer in Jesus, His birth, death, resurrection and His coming return to earth. I was raised in the Pentecostal movement of the late 40's and early 50's. I say this not to be puffed up but to show my qualifications to speak. Remember, Paul, to tell why he was qualified to speak on a subject called himself a Pharisee of a Pharisee. When I was in grade school I remember the preachers loudly proclaiming that we would not see the 60's. Jesus would come and take us all out of here before that, it was fruitless to plan beyond that time. The concept of salvation in this movement was more of an escape, a way out of this world. Songs had lines like, "I'm a pilgrim and a stranger," telling of how God would somehow come and save us out of this world at the last moment before the darkness overtook us, and many would not make it. There was a song, "Hold the Fort," which carried the same themes.
And how did this effect the church? The church of the fifties did not plan for the future. It was a "hang on till the end when God takes us out of here." It did not even plan for its children's futures, albeit, some families did things that seemed stupid in view of these predictions. These few educated their children and taught them God's word in depth, in spite of many telling them it was all for nothing. After all, these kids weren't going to grow up, why bother. Jesus was coming soon. Many of these privileged children of parents who had foresight are the leaders in the church today, unfortunately many others were caught up in this, and when things which were predicted did not happen, their children left the church because they found the message of the "gospel" to be false. There were other sects that made total fools of themselves and made a mockery of the word of God by selling everything and going out on a mountain side when some so-called prophet predicted the second coming. These men were not hearing from God. These false prophets created a suspicion of anyone who claimed to be a prophet, event to this day. I will say only this, the ones that held "we're not gong to see the 60's" looked almost as ludicrous.
Let me assure you, I believe Jesus is coming soon, but I plan to tell my children, my children's children and their children if I see them, about the first and second comings of Jesus, but I will tell them only that the second coming is sure and it is sooner than it was when I was born. Whether they or I go by way of the sky or the grave, I plan to be sure we all are going. That is sure. And he said in a parable about the man who went on a journey, "Occupy till I come." He said "Go into all the world and preach the gospel." He put no end on it. I plan to be in that occupation force, and actively occupying, till the day he comes or I am relieved by the grave.
In the mid fifties, as the US space program was coming into being, I saw a 16MM film about 20 minutes in length that was shown in many Assembly of God churches. The best I can remember is that it was shown at Rhollers Assembly of God north of Dover PA about the time I was thirteen, that would have made it spring of 1956. (I would like to find a copy of this film but alas it is no longer available. If anyone knows about it, please write me.) The film decried the space program as being against God, and proclaimed that the program would not succeed in placing a man in space, God would see that this did not happen because he did not want anyone there. I cannot remember the film title, but I can remember scenes from it, of meteorites hitting the offices of people in the program and other stories. I have never been able to substantiate a single story from this film. Of course, within two years of the time I saw it, the USSR sent a satellite into space and by the early sixties Soviets and Americans were going there. Again the result of the false teaching was one of disillusionment for many of the younger members, they left the churches in droves. Ironically many of those who left wound up in cults and traditional churches. This almost happened to me, my faith was shaken by the duplicity I saw in this misguided attempt to make a catchy doctrine. The church succeeded in producing a doctrine for itching ears, giving the people something catchy. And it drove people away from God.
This particular film caused a lot of problems for me. False teaching has a high price. "Why should I believe the church when it is teaching things that are pbviously wrong?" I wondered like many of my friends. But I made one transition that many others did not, primarily because of my parents. I saw the duplicity as man's tinkering with God's message. God's message was true, man's tinkering made it flawed. Ironically, because of my questioning, and because of the strong doses of God's word I heard in my early years, I ultimately became stronger in the faith. I have been able to move to the Faith, Prophetic and Apostolic times (I purposefully refuse to call them movements which are as unscriptural as dispensations) as they appeared and beyond the so called movements of man. See Destructive Doctrines of the Twentieth Century for more about movements. I have been able to see more than a few of the errors and walk past them. And one of the reasons I have been able to do this is because I learned to follow God, not man. Seeing the false and recognizing it is easy, if you know what the real thing looks like. It is like spotting counterfeit money, if you know what the real stuff looks like, the imitation looks phony. As for the space program, through its technology we have CBN, TBN and several other good TV outlets and things like satellite TV conferences. I participated in one of the World Wide Communion services that was held in the early 80's. God will use technology if His people will listen to His direction. The internet is the bogeyman of this day, the church will decry it till they loose influence in it. (As I review this in 12/99 I am pleased to see that some churches have used the internet, and more are beginning to use it. Some still stand on the sideline.) Two that took early travels into these waters are Giving Light Christian Fellowship and York Christian Fellowship. The pastors, Steve and Melody Hilton (GLCF) and Jack and Dee Cashman (YCF) have been on the front of what God is doing in many areas. It does not surprise me that they make use of this media. In both cases they have people in their fellowship that will give themselves to make this happen. David Riviera of GLFC is a good example of men who will answer God's call no matter what it is.
In the late sixties and early seventies, with the growth of the computer, many fundamentalist churches taught that the computer was going to be the anti-christ. Although I never heard it mentioned, I am sure that books like "Soul of a New Machine" about the designing of one of the Date General computers got some pulpit time. The computer would bring on one world government. I agree with those who take that stand, in part. Without the computer, the control of the whole world from one place would not be possible. Look at the massive problems the Soviet Union had in trying to control a large country. It is possible that with better control, this power would not have fallen. But then God sets up and tears down kingdoms.
I remember something from this, in the mid 70's I sat in an IBM seminar in Philadelphia. They rolled out the new communications technology called SNA. (If someone can provide a date I would be thankful.) I saw it and at that time said, "Even so come quickly Lord Jesus." The communications inhancement necessary for the anti-christ was here. Let me share something else here. One hour before that was unfolded, I would not have seen the communications as an impediment. I was not that foresightful. What happened was simple. With that knowledge input God was able to show me, one more piece of the puzzle was here. The one thing I don't know is simply this, I have no clue about how many more pieces are outstanding." As the songwriter said, "I don't know about tomorrow, ... but I know who holds my hand." I thank God for that assurance.
Tell me what comfort is in much of the garbage that has been taught?
One very good Christian man who worked at Caterpillar was afraid to use a computer terminal because he thought to do so would result in his taking the mark of the beast. And the OWG cult was born in this era. Since then, every few years it rears its ugly head, it creates a new round of chaos in the church and then it is seen for what it is, a work of the devil to sidetrack us. Its work done, it goes under cover, only to resurface again, slightly modified and with a new effective date. There have been extensive teachings on OWG, and it even grew to the point that men gave up jobs rather than use a computer terminal because it was of the anti-christ and some were taught that to use one of these would be to take the mark of the beast. Again, credibility of the gospel suffered because of these false teachings.
The church has never had a shortage of false prophets in its midst. They consistently point to the world as the problem while teaching damnable lies. And this scripture was frequently used by those teaching the false doctrine to point out why we should listen to them! Anything that had sixes in a number was suspect.
Let me show you the degree of the stupidity of the emphasis of symbolism
about numbers in the Bible. If I am to listen to many of the teachers that
have gotten into numerology, I would believe the number six is just plain
bad. So anything with the number six is bad. Look at the following
2 Chr 9:19 (KJV)
19 And twelve lions stood there on the one side and on the other upon
the six steps. There was not the like made in any kingdom.
If I am to believe this, Solomon's temple had a six steps, this area was not God's design.
I will add one of my own suppositions here, something I rarely do. I believe the number of the beast or its identification is 666, (the bible says that so that makes it easy) but I question if the mark of the beast will be in fact these digits or numbers. The scripture is not clear here and this has been one of the areas of speculation. A single numeric value would not have the value for identification that some actual serial number will have. If the number is to allow us to buy and sell it must be a number to identify us, not to say, "I have taken the mark." (I am reminded that the social security number was once looked upon as a possible candidate for the mark of the beast and extensive teaching on this was done in some church circles. Again this has not materialized.) I maintain that the social security number with its 9 digits can only number a billion people, less than the current population of the world. I would propose an alternative possibility. I do not teach this as a theology, only mention it here to show that there is one more way the scripture can be fulfilled. Look at the numbering system. A number of eighteen digits, three sets of six digits each, would not only number the current population which will need nearly 11 digits, but it will allow enough to number the world's projected population for the next thousand years, even with substantial growth. Why that number of years, the number one thousand? I believe that the anti-christ will proclaim, like Adolf Hitler, that his reign (the Fourth Reich or kingdom) will last a thousand years and plans in the government will include that. Those who do not know history may not know that Hitler called his government alternatively the Third Reich and the Thousand Year Reich. I note that this godless leader missed his prediction by a mere 980 or so years. But I will point out that I have little scriptural support for the eighteen digit numbers and would not teach it as more than my idea.
This OWG cult is growing. In the early Seventies a well known preacher put out an eight hour teaching on OWG 1972, which had heavy sales, and when it didn't happen by the end of 1972 he put out a subsequent set on OWG 1974 explaining why he was wrong! And the second set sold! It appears that there are those who desire to be deceived and there are those who have no shame when it comes to misleading God's people. Within the last two years two more preachers who I have respected have made statements that indicate they are dating the end time. Their witness no longer has value to me.
Now the OWG cult has been joined by the super-patriots that assume that they will have to take up arms to defend our nation from our government and the US military. I am concerned that the church will take up this call, and will further distort the gospel and give credibility and legitimacy to this para-military movement. I see pastors arming, I see pastors joining organizations that are fellow travelers of these para-military groups. Anyone who calls David Koresh and his followers victims of religeous persecution are in my opinion playing with the devil.
It is not that I have no concerns about the things that are happening around me. I have plenty, but they rarely are the same ones that are proclaimed from TV pulpits each day. Let me state my concerns simply. I am concerned that the church is being pulled from its mission by these false teachings -- presented by teachers with itching ears, those who will tell people what they want to hear and will listen to because it fits their fears and preconceived ideas.
2 Tim 4:3-4 (KJV)
3 For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears;
4 And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables.
Many of these people are afraid of the Government, many are suspicious of the Government, and some are down right nut cases that would like to hear that they should take up arms against it because it would make them feel like they are doing something. Doing something is one thing, that is easy. Knowing and doing God's thing is often something else. It requires that we find ourself in His presence to know His will.
I think it is time for the church of Jesus Christ to grow up. Quit being children that are turned by every wind of doctrine, quit following those would confuse you, upset you and stir you up (as Paul stated). He said if those who upset you were to hung up with circumcision, let them castrate themselves. I say to those that upset God's people, find a hill in the wilderness, sell everything, go out there and wait. It is time for God's people to begin to find the meat of the word for themselves, find it to be clear. And mark those who do not do well and do not follow His will. Do not give them your support, follow those who are preaching His Word. The only way you can know that is for you to know God's presence and His word for yourself. And if you cannot see Jesus over a man's shoulder, he has either become too big and is blocking your view or he is not following the saviour. Either way, you need to move to where where you are following someone who is following Him.
Let me illustrate. I am very political, I have missed voting in very few elections. I participate where I can, I even go to some local school board and township board meetings. We need Christians who are called to go to these meetings, sit there, make your presence known, and make a difference. Write letters to your representatives at every level, and remind them if they do not stand up for righteousness, you will see that you do not vote for them. Nothing scares a politician more than to have someone calmly face them before a meeting and say, "Unless you begin to support causes of righteousness, your vote here tonight makes me sure I will not vote for you in the next election. And I will tell my friends and relatives, anyone who can vote, and encourage them to vote for your opponent. And I may even run against your." Many are very much unnerved by someone telling them after a meeting, "I am going to pray that God finds you unacceptable for re-election and you are replaced by someone who holds righteousness as important, and I am going to help Him do it." It also helps to tell those who have voted righteously that you appreciate them. Keep in their minds that if they continue in these righteous ways you will continue to support them.
But when we question error when it is from the pulpit many say, "It's got to be right, a preacher said it." Remember that men err and preachers are men. I thought the Protestants threw out the concept of papal infallibility yet we have taken up a concept that is just as reprehensible. Remember nem make mistakes. Remember that the Bible speaks of false shepherds. Remember the word speaks of those who preach for filthy lucre, what they can get out of it. And I assure you that there are such in the pulpit today. One thing I am sure of, when they tell you that they are the only couduit for you to hear from God, mark them and do not take their counseland until seek God's face about them. They may be the person God wants to use to mature you, and if so, God will reveal that, but they have erred in that they are not the only ones that hear. God may be telling you to shke off the dust.
I personally have great respect for preachers of the gospel I have known over the years. Men like Theodore Gaylor, Clifton Erickson, Billy Graham, Oral Roberts, K Fred Price, and a host of others who have proclaimed the word of God. They have taught righteousness, not politics, although several of the men I respect have made impacts on the political scene. They have taught holiness, not haughtiness. They have taught reverence for authority, not rebellion. They exhibited love, not lording over the flock. They heard from God and passed it on. Their lives mattered. Their messages were the best they could teach, according to the light they had and the capacity for faith they had in their hearts. They did not teach hatred in fact one, Clifton Erickson, I would have called a man of love. If there was a modern day John, it was he.
I have never heard one of these men teach an itching ears doctrine. And none of them have taught OWG beyond the limits of passing in the context of a sermon... I do not expect to hear them do so.
What should the church do about OWG? What did Jesus say? Go into the world, preach the gospel, make disciples of all men, occupy till I come. Paul, the most militant of the early church apostles said that the weapons of our warfare are not carnal. We wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities, powers and rulers of darkness of this world. Not the flesh and blood rulers of this world, but the rulers of darkness of this world. If the church of the 50's had kept its vision straight and run well, where \ would we be today? I am not convinced that the millennial reign of the church might just be beginning. You see, I do not believe we are leaving here like the beleaguered British troops left Dunkirk in 1939, the enemy pressing them for their very lives. I believe we are going to leave here like the men left Germany in 1945, WINNERS. And we can't do that till we are overcomers and more than conquerors. Christ is coming for a victorious church, without spot or wrinkle. It's time we become what He called us to be. Lay aside the weight and the sin that does so easily beset us. What sin? The sin of believing and acting on false teachers!
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