Al's Demise (05/17/2001)
Al's Campaign cleanup offer (Updated 12/22/99)
How bad is Al Gore> From a liberal (Updated 1/28/99)
Fathering (Updated 1/28/99)
Year 2000 (Updated 1/28/99)
There will be more.. Al's behavior cries out to be exposed. His lack of intelligence, honesty and integrity cause his boss's indiscretions appear trivial.
Al is a dead duck. The dems know he lost the election for them. Outwardly they condemn the Florida process, the electorial college, the Supreme Court, the Florida AG and a host of others, but down deep they know that if Al had come through with a respectable margin, they would not have been in the mess.
His loss portends more problems in the future. New voting methods are coming. Election fraud will become more difficult. Cook Countly Illinois may go Republican if enough votes can't be stolen. And it is Al's fault. About sixty years ago a victorious Japanese Admiral sailed from north of Pearl Harbor. He told his staff, "I am afraid we have awaken a sleeping giant and given him a terrible resolve." That admiral fell from the sky, a victim of machine gun bullets from American planes before end of the following year. The terrible resolve is there. Americans are beginning to realize that all was not well on Bill and Al's watch as they tried to tell us. That terrible resolve may spill over to the democrats in Congress if they are not careful. Al could be charged with loosing congress and the White House. But then no less than Jessie Jackson Jr. has accused him of that.
Al has dealt treacherously with the future of this country in brokering the sale of secrets to the Chinese. He has dealt treacherously with political opponents in his crucifixion of Dan Quale for saying fathers are important and Murphy Brown is not a good role model. In case you don't remember this, Murphy is the foul mouthed Lesbian that got knocked up on a one night stand with a guy. And now he is touting the same family values. He has supported Bill Clinton through the Monica scandall as though this behavior was valid. A man of integrity would have called privately then publically for Bill's resignation and then resigned if the call was not heard. But then, Al thinks he is the only man for the White House, another indication of his mental deficiency. He has dealt treacherously with the American people by brokering the sale of secrets to the Chinese. This smacks of treason, either by overt action or stupidity. With Al, it is hard to decide which. No matter, either is reason for disqualification as a leader.
But let's look at how far this guy will go. In a recent debate with Bradley he offered to not run any more TV ad's if Bradley would reciprocate. Bradley's response was great, but it missed the point. Bradley asked if Al was having trouble raising funds. The answer is no, the unions, the Chinese, the tree huggers, the gay and lesbians, the environazis and the abortion supporters consider Al a must. They are contributing. But Al risks going over the legal spending level.
Bradley has spent very little, the remainder of the campaign would be his time to use that money to sway voters. Al is saying to a member of his own party, "I have used the weapon, now that I no longer have bullets for the gun, let's agree to not use it!"
What treachery, to allow the public to think this was an olive branch when it was really a smoking gun. But this is Al Gore at his best!
If you want to know what liberals think of Al Gore, look at what liberals are saying. One person who sends Liberal trash to me regularly tells me that the only reason we (the great right wing conspiracy) want Bill out of the White House is so we will get a Facist in the White House. The last time I checked the constitution, if Bill is impeached, Al Gore becomes president without any questions being asked. If I follow this person's logic, this means that Al is a Facist because he is the heir apparent.
It first I thought this strange, then I realized that what comes from liberals usually sounds strange. Let me offer some possibilities. First, most liberals feel they are above the constitution so it's line do succession is not necessarily what will happen. And as the result the constitution is not important so they do not make an effort to know the constitution well enough to know Al is next in line. Or, maybe they are convinced that if Bill is not convicted he can continue as president after 2000. Wake up liberals. Bill Clinton cannot serve beyond January 2001 without overthrowing the constitution. Is this the plan? Or, maybe they KNOW that Al is so much at risk that he will not survive the remainder of the term and the next president will come from the Sentate?.
Al Gore was charged with the technological future of the country by his boss, Bill Clinton. Most of Al's efforts have been aimed at connecting every school in the country to the internet. Although this is a laudable goal, there is a more pressing technological item that is facing us, the Year 2000. I believe that history will look upon our present situation like they did Nero who fiddled as Rome burned. If you wish to see more about this, see the page on the link above.
But let's get back to the conference. Want to hear his statement? "We now know that Fathering is important." How does he know? An expensive government study tells him that. Wouldn't that money be better spent on learning something we already knew? Or maybe it takes a million dollars to teach a liberal that fathers are important. How dumb can you be? Now understand, I'm not putting down the study, I like to be sure of what we do, but the "We now know..." is the issue. Did he not know before? Did he not suspect? Was he unsure? I was about 99.999% sure before the study, now I'm about 99.9991% sure. If someone as simple as I can be that sure, why should it take a survey to make it apparent for someone who claims to be as smart as Al? Or maybe Al isn't as smart as he lets on. And if you see what other dems are saying based on their actions indicates they don't think he has any excess brain cells. Maybe intellectually he isn't presidential material. Maybe we should look at what his friends say about him. Has Al ignored the wisdom of the scriptures and the wisdom of many who have for centuries said that fathers are important? Can someone who can ignore wisdom be presidential material? Is Al capable of determining truth?
Remember, this is the same Al Gore that took Dan Quale to task for saying that Murphy Brown was not a good role model for our youth. Many could not understand that, including Al Gore. After all, Murphy was a well-paid single woman. She could afford to have a child. She could afford to raise a child without a husband. Her child would seemingly lack nothing in the material world. But then why did Dan see this as a problem? Was he just a kill-joy that wanted to deprive a woman of the joy of bearing a child? I think not. Dan Quale became a target of liberalism because Dan Quale, was apparently much more astute than the Democrats painted him to be. For this astuteness he was portrayed as a likeable dope that should not be in public office. And who was the leader of the wolf pack that tore the flesh from Dan Quale? Al Gore. I believe Dan Quale may well be one of the few men of firm convictions that also has a significant amount of compassion. This combination is so rare that it is easy to see why Al would not understand him. After all, Al knows that every conservative is a mean spirited person, with no compassion for anyone. To have compassion one must be a liberal. Since Dan is not a liberal, he cannot be compassionate.
We must make a determination. We have some choices. It is possible that the Democrats and Mr. Gore did not know fathers were important, or maybe they did not care about the needs of the young people of the country, winning the election came first. Neither places them in a good light. Is is possible that even with the seeming lead, Al and Bill felt they needed to destroy a good man to be elected? With Bill's lies and lies about lies, this is not hard to believe.
This is either gross stupidity, or it is arrogance and selfishness to the n'th degree. And to have a Democrat that says "I know what is good for you and I will see the government mandates it," and then does something that is so detrimental is unthinkable. You may say, "Al Gore only said it as a campaign tactic." But millions heard it and many believed it to the extent that Dan Quale was ridiculed for his views. Murphy Brown was painted as being OK, a role model for our young women. I believe that some of the hope for integrity in the government died with Dan's chance at the Vice Presidency. The scripture says, "Thou shalt not kill." But if you study this in the light of the Jewish interpretation, and they are the ones that I feel would be the best source of what it means, it can also be to kill the person's reputation or their ability to make a living. Al and Bill have clearly broken this commandment, they tried to kill Dan Quale and in that one period of time they succeeded. However, Dan is on his way back. And Dan was never out in his own mind. He is a man of integrity, character and honor.
There is no way that I could picture Bob Dole screwing an intern in the oval office. Think about what Liddy Dole would do to him. Or Dan Quale accepting campaign money from the Red Chinese. But you have to see the moral bankruptcy of the liberals in the light. They have such feelings of inferiority that they had to pull out all of the stops to get elected. No tactic was off limits, no money was too corrupt, no action was unthinkable, if it would increase the chances of being elected.
The persecution of Dan Quale was nothing more or less than collateral damage. He happened to be in the way.
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