Abortion Clinic Bombings
Abortion -- Safe?
Abortion Definitions
Planned Non-parenthood - The abortion lies
Abortion -- Bounty Hunting
Hillcrest Woman's Clinic in York PA
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The Pro-abortion forces are concerned about one death at a clinic. | Those who are truely Pro-life are concerned about that death and millions of others |
Exod 20:13But I am also concerned about the deaths that occur at abortion clinics every day. The deaths that are the result of a medical procedure that is successful only if fifty percent of the patients die. These deaths are each arrived at without due process. In fact the rush to judgement that anti-death penalty persons decry has become the law of the land as we eliminate any waiting period. These people decry an officer shooting a suspect because the officer is judge, jury and prosecutor. Yet in abortion, the judge, defendant, jury, and prosecutor are the woman who is seeking the abortion. The executioner is the abortionist she procures. If we were to offer anyone but an abortionist to murder a human being, we would be guilty of a felony. The defendants attorney is not present to pleade the case. Let's get this together, 10 million deaths versus one? And the pro-death forces get concerned when one of their accomplices, a hired killer, in the slaughter of innocents dies? But do they blanch if at millions of deaths? They call evil good and good evil.
13 Thou shalt not kill.
Isa 5:20-21This was predicted by Jesus 2000 years ago. He also said that they would say, "blessed is she who is barren."
20 Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!
21 Woe unto them that are wise in their own eyes, and prudent in their own sight!
Luke 23:29
29 For, behold, the days are coming, in the which they shall say, Blessed are the barren, and the wombs that never bare, and the paps which never gave suck.
I watched Dr. James Kennedy last Sunday and found his discussion of abortion presenting something that I have not heard from anyone else. Just as he was beginning the discussion I saw where he was going.
He likened Abortion to Slavery, in the process it is undergoing. I believe that we are in a critical period, one that will determine how our generation will be viewed.
There is a lot of discussion about the issue of slavery and the war of the rebellion that started in 1861. Those who would continue slavery say that war was for states rights. Their reason? Because Lincoln did not declare the Emancipation Proclamation until near the end of the war. Let us examine this premise.
The events that lead up to the war, the issues that made the conflict inevitable were all tied to the one issue of slavery. The rules for admitting new states, the Dread Scott Decision, the lengthy debates in the legislature were all centered on slavery, NOT states rights. The only issue of states rights was if the state could continue to allow slavery within its borders. There was no other even minor states rights issue.
And if we look at the things associated with the war we see more of the same. The soldiers in Grey were called Rebels, not states righters. The songs of the times were interesting at best. One famous one from that era has a line, "As He died to make men holy, let us die to make men free." It is the well known "Battle Hymn of the Republic," sung by the men of the Union and written to the tune of its contemporary "John Brown's Body." Both were the result of the times. The newspaper articles of the time were tied to the issue. It divided many.
Sure, there were those who fought for the rebellion that did so because of home ties and family. They could not go against their families. But there were many who would have looked at conflict as not their thing that fought for the Union. One example is Joshua Chandler, a Mathametician and Theologian from Maine. He is one of the standout citizen soldiers of all time. He had a good grasp of what the war was about, and he was a man that required a cause that was more than a political issue.
But the war brought slavery out into the open, and it made it unacceptable.
And Roe v Wade may have been the watershed of abortion if we have the fortitude to make it such. Roe V Wade brought abortion out of the back alleys and placed it on the front page of the newspapers. It took it out of the back room and put it in the store front. Where it was once done in secret, it now could be done in public.
But doing it in public had a price. When it was done in a back alley, nobody but the police noticed and even they tended to call it a victimless crime. A crime where at least one of the two victims die and it is victimless! I think not!
And the price was light shed on it. When something is brought out into the light is is scritinized.
Roe v Wade made people take a stand. You were for it or against it, there was little fence to sit on. And the fence has gotten narrower and narrower. There is so little room that even politicians, the fence sitting experts have found it difficult.
Without this exposure abortion might have gone on for years in the back rooms without being challenged. With this exposure the doctors (persons) performing the surgery had to come to work in day light and leave in day light. The clinic had to be marked so the victims could find it. And when marked the protestors could easily find it. The vistims had to go there in the open.
I believe this light on abortion provides us with the opportunity to rid our nation of this scourge. There are many who have left the battle, like the deserters of an army. It is time to be there. Our first duty is to prayer. "For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal." Our next duty is to seek God's face and determine if this is where we are to enter the ranks. If not, support those in battle with your prayers and encouragement. If so, take your place, but like a good soldier, follow the command of our leader. Let no man draw you into activity that is not Godly.
We have the opportunity with abortion that the people of the 1860's had with slavery. It persisted for years before they were able to rid the country of the curse. Let us be as wise as serpants and as harmless as doves. Let us stand firm and do His will.
The first abortion lie is encountered when the potential client enters the facility. She is not called a patient, this would carry the connotation that she might be undergoing some form of medical procedure or surgery with risk to her life or health. She is a "client". Nice, tidy and clean. There is no indication of the blood letting that will be done before she is through with the "procedure". During it she will loose enough blood to weaken her, generally more than she would loose if she were to donate blood - she will feel tired for weeks, just from the physical impact of the blood loss. This is not a procedure that is without risk. Again, if we were to call it surgery we might just elicit some emotional reaction and the woman might just change her mind. She might realize her life and ability to have children could be in jeopardy (they are) and consider the impact on the life inside her body (it is about to be snuffed out). If she knew this she might just walk out without becoming a paying client. If this were to happen too often the clinic might just have to close its doors. This happened to Hillcrest Clinic here in York, PA, it became unprofitable and was closed by the owners. I personally believe that praying people in the community caused this demise.
A second lie is that what is growing inside the woman is nothing more than a bunch of tissue. This might wash from a physical standpoint for the early first trimester surgery, but the partial birth abortion procedure which kills a child that would be viable if delivered is not distinguished in any way by those who tout abortion as a fix-all. In this later procedure the baby is much more than a blob of tissue, it is viable outside the womb. If it were just let out into the world it would live. Maybe it could be adopted if the woman, a "higher animal" had the instinct for keeping her children alive that is inborn in the "lower animals."
Understand, I do not condone or agree with the early first trimester procedure, but all of the arguments from the pro-abortion forces in pushing this early pregnancy procedure are contradicted in the partial birth and if you claim it to be the same you impeach yourself. In early first trimester they say the fetus is not viable outside the womb, it does not feel, it is a part of the mother's body, and it is not a separate living human. So its OK to kill it. Let's give them that this is the case. Partial birth FLUNKS on all counts yet they make no differentiation between the two procedures. We see the pro-abortion forces caught in their own rhetoric. They find it easy to strain on a gnat and swallow a camel.
Matt 23:23-24Jesus tagged it well. He called those who had this myopia Blind Guides. They claim to do good, but they ignore the weightier matters of the law. The people who run and promote the abortion mills are such. They claim to be getting someone out of a problem. In the movie "COMA" a young woman dies during a D&C that is only necessary because the woman is pregnant with a baby that is the result of an affair. The doctor jokes early in the procedure that he is getting the lady out of a real mess. Although this is a piece of fiction, it poignatly displays the attitude that is held by the people who provide these services for women.
23 Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye pay tithe of mint and anise and cummin, and have omitted the weightier matters of the law, judgment, mercy, and faith: these ought ye to have done, and not to leave the other undone.
24 Ye blind guides, which strain at a gnat, and swallow a camel.
A third and biggest lie is - the procedure is safe. If all risks to the non-mother, including increased breast cancer, increased suicide, infection, anesthesia risks, bleeding and other complications are considered, even a "simple early first trimester abortion" is a real risk. Even the threat of sterility that can occur has a health risk, the drugs and procedures necessary to later concieve a child all carry risks. All too often, a woman who has undergone an abortion changes her mind AFTER the procedure and gets pregnant (if she can) later.
The next invalid argument of the feminists is as follows. If you find yourself pregnant, (as if you had nothing to do with it and one morning something miraculous had happened to create this situation) and it is not convenient to carry and birth a child at this time, abort the baby, you can have another when it is more convenient. How many women do you know who have had a failed pregnancy through no fault of their own, who have never been able to become pregnant again? (I'll answer that, "all too many.") Why should someone expect to abort one fetus and be entrusted by God with another? Two significant risks of abortion are sterility and bleeding that requires drastic surgery to save the woman's life. If the uterus is badly damages, that surgery is a hysterectomy, surgery that at our present level of medical expertise renders the woman permanently and totally unable to have children. We may come to a point that uterine transplants are viable, but that is not the case at this time. For the "fortunate ones" who contracted infections, infertility clinics are making real money on women who believed that lie when they were 15 and now at 30 they cannot have a child without medical intervention. It is interesting that the same practitioners that kill babies with the procedures that render women less fertile then benefit from procedures that help them have babies! Still others are less fortunate, there is no procedure to help them have a child. The old addage was pay me now or pay me later. In abortion it is pay me now and pay me later, for the surgery now, for infertility treatments, for depression, for bareness, for breast cancer later.
The forth lie - abortion is a right. It is not a right, it is not mentioned in the constitution, EVEN THOUGH THE PRO-ABORTION people say it has existed since long before that document was written. I could understand something being called a right that did not exist when the framers wrote the document, but for some reason they did not include abortion in the list of rights, life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Abortion is big business, and moreover is one of the current methods of exploitation of the females in our society. The person who controls abortion controls the body of the woman who is enslaved to the procedure. And often this exploitation of women is by other women. Abortion became a right based on a court case that was a lie. The supreme court decision that made abortion legal was based purjery by many of those who testified. There are more than a few people who purgered themselves to make this a reality. This certainly does not make the cause more just! Can pure water come from a well that is polluted? There are some in the pro-abortion forces who feel abortion must be preserved at all cost. One well known feminist leader said that if abortion were outlawed, "blood would run in the streets." This sounds to me like a threat of armed insurrection. The right to advocate such is not protected by the constitution. No where is the right to break the laws of the land protected. I suggest that these be investigated for racketeering.
When former NOW president Molly Yard heard that the Supreme Court would review Roe v. Wade in its Webster case, she said on January 8, 1989; "We are now declaring a state of emergency for the women of America. We will not go back to illegal abortions. We aren't going to obey the law."
Such is the immorality of the pro-abortion forces. Such is their blindness to right and wrong. They lie, and they not only advocate disobedience of a law, they advocate ARMED and VIOLENT overthrow of the government.
The fifth lie -- The people promoting abortion are good people who want to help women who have a problem. (See Molly Yard's statement in lie 4, is she considered an example of this?) This may be true in a few cases, but there are those who have run for-profit clinics under shoddy conditions to increase profits. The state of Maryland closed several such clinics in the 80's. There are also government funded ones, clinics that get government money to exist. The abortions may not be paid directly out of taxpayer funds, but many other services that help make them viable are payed by tax monies, the abortions are a part of the services offered. Consider these economics. If a clinic has 1000 pregnant "clients" this year and gets "X" dollars, and the director's salary is based to some degree on the budget amount, (In governement it is) is it better for the director to have 1000 or 2000 pregnant clients next year? Let's rephrase the question, "Is it better to teach abstainance and good birth control so the "client" doesn't return or is it better to have the client return next year with another "problem pregnancy" that increases the workload?"
Lie number six -- We need abortion to help a woman who is a victim of rape or incest. FINE, let's pass the law to allow abortion only if the woman wants it and if she is a victim of rape or incest. This situation accounts for less than one percent of the million (1,000,000) abortions each year. One percent of one millon is ten thousand (10,000). A million is about 3000 babies a day, ten thousand is about 30 a day. The one is big business, it is mass murder. Although I do not think I could not condone it, the other is compassion for someone in distress. I personally would settle for this decrease in the slaughter, as a temporary measure, IF IT WAS STRICTLY BASED ON A CONVICTION OF THE CRIMINAL.
Lie number seven -- We need abortion to help a woman with serious medical problems terminate a pregnancy that threatens her life. Again, this is a very small percentage, far lower than the one percent above. Here I feel we must leave the decision to the advice of the doctor and the conscience of the mother. The percentage is small, and every day fewer medical conditions contradict the continuation of a pregnancy. If this were really the reason the number of abortions in the US every year would be measured in hundreds, not millions. Although these are still hard for me to accept, I could not prevent one of these abortions or even pressure the woman to take grevious risks, that must be her decision. But ironically, many women with serious medical conditions do almost anything to carry their baby.
Lie number eight - If abortion is made illegal, women will be forced into the back alleys to have them and be butchered. They ignore that birth control methods and distribution are better, the number should be smaller, unless all of the arguments by organizations like Planned Parenthood are not correct. After all, there are choices.
Lie number eight -- Millions of women would die each year at the hands of the illegal abortionists. Come on, we are having only a million abortions a year with abortion being legal. Will we have more abortions if it is illegal. I think that wat we are hearing is rhetoric. We have no statistics on how many died of botched abortions before Roe vs. Wade and ironically we don't not know how many die today because the death certificate does not show complications of abortion, it shows hemmorage, infection, suicide. This is done to protect the illusion that abortion is legal and safe and to protect the abortionist. There is no statistic on infertility and sterility that points to abortion because a woman's right to have an abortion is private and it is protected from being passed to to develop statistics. The pro-abortion crowd has made it impossible to know how many they have maimed by laws that prohibit release of information that would provide these crucial statistics. If they did not believe the numbers to be bad, why do they fight their release?.
Succussful surgery - A procedure during which exactly one half of the patients die.
Theraputic Abortion - One done for the convenience of the mother and to enhance the financial future of the doctor.
Client - a patient.
Problem pregnancy - I once thought this was a pregnancy in which some health risk existed for the mother and/or baby. But in pro-abortion language, it is the political correct term for an UNWANTED PREGNANCY or an ACCIDENT. But the term problem pregnancy takes the responsibility off the woman and makes the pregnancy look like an abnormal condition that a doctor can treat to make them well. After all, have they not considered, a pregnancy is a NORMAL reaction of a healthy human female body after sperm enters the reproductive tract. Somehow we keep forgetting that.
Planned Parenthood - Should be called Planned Non-parenthood.
York PA once had a clinic that performed surgery on women to remove
their unborn young. I have a problem with calling it an abortion, that
term really covers a host of situations that terminate a pregnancy, most
as the result of some medical event that causes the death of the baby,
but only one such type is performed at the hand of a doctor. If one can
ignore the Hippocratic Oath, (do no harm) this is a profitable venture.
This clinic became unprofitable and closed. So much for the concern
about the health of women that is touted, the reason for the clinic was
profit, or in other words money.
Some women in the churches here decided that we should not have such
a facility here. They decided to try it God's way. They didn't picket,
they didn't carry signs, they didn't get arrested, they just met at homes
and churches and prayed. You see, before acting they sought God and heard
to pray. The scripture supports their actions.
But God has a sense of humor. The clinic building was subsequently sold,
and with the support of local churches and people who care it was bought
by Human Life Services, a cricis pregnancy center who's goal is saving
I personally know the pastor who had the privilege of taking an axe
to the Hillcrest sign and once and for all removing it from the York landscape..
If you think the prayers of this group of ladies was a fluke, consider
this second saga. Some years ago a Bar (The Rogues Den) opened in Shiloh
(a suburb of York) and it somehow offended these same women. I'm not sure
if it was just having the bar there, the traffic that clogged the roads,
or if it was the excitement and confusion in the neighborhood caused by
the weekly wet T-shirt contests. To me the bar looked profitable, after
all, the parking lot was full and there were cars parked along the street
for a quarter of a mile on the contest nights. If I had been considering
investments without regard for moral issues, this would have looked like
a good one to make. I'm not sure if these women didn't know that full parking
lots made for profits or if they did, they ignored the obvious and prayed
any way. The bar closed its doors and today a family restaurant has been
in that building for over ten years.
I've heard of boycotts, pickets, and the like, and they would frighten
me, but if I were running a business in this area, I would avoid making
this group of women angry. If seems that if they curse your business, it
is most likely on its way out.
Now I know their names but I'll never tell who they are. With the liberals
passing laws, it may become illegal to pray against such a scourge and
the liberals will go out and have them arrested for some reason. But I'll
encourage them to continue praying. They pray in secret, but the results
are openly displayed.
Abortion advocates say legal and safe abortions are available. I agree.
Very few women die as a direct result of the procedure. But what about
the woman's future health? The PIA Medical Sciences Bulletin January 1995
states, "...as of 1990, one of every four US women under the age of 45
years has had an induced abortion..." Any medical problems associated with
the procedure impacts a significant portion of our population.
The article continues, "...women who underwent induced abortions had
a 50% greater risk of breast cancer than women who did not have abortions.
When abortion was induced during the last month of the first trimester,
the risk almost doubled. For women younger than 18 years at the time of
a first induced abortion, the relative risk was 2.5."
This means that a young woman undergoing a late procedure has one chance
in two of contracting the cancer, compared to one in ten for those who
did not. This does not agree with the idea of safe. Why is this not being
told to women who are facing the procedure? Because abortion is a more
than half billion dollar industry. Because to admit the risks could result
in lawsuits for those already damaged.
Abortion, Legal, yes, for now. Safe, no.
Copyright 1996 Ralph E. Brandt, York PA
I have a friend who is the quintessential hunter. He hunts, he makes
hunting programs for TV and he leads hunting trips. His reward is the sport
and the game he takes. At one time he could have collected a bounty for
some of the game but alas today the liberals, who claim to be the protectors
of human rights, are working to take away his right to hunt.
But I can top that. There remains an endangered species that has no
protection. The population of that species is on a curve that could make
it endangered in fifty or so years. About one half of this species' young
never live to see their first birthday. A bounty of nearly five hundred
dollars on each head has insured this and the hunters are protected by
laws that my friend will see only in his wildest dreams. I'm sure the man
who was jailed for killing a rat and the one who was fined $5,000 for killing
a duck would like to have this protection too.
Lest the animal rights advocates go out and form another kook group,
let me ease their minds, it isn't necessary. A conservative group has been
protesting this slaughter and no self respecting liberal would want to
be caught dead agreeing with a conservative.
Let me tell you about the endangered species, the unborn human child.
Nearly one half of them don't make it out of the womb alive. The bounty
is high, about five hundred dollars each. And a persistent political lobby
continues to make this slaughter possible. Who comprises the large portion
of that lobby? The same liberals who have pushed the legal protection for
rats, dogs, and ducks. They have looked down our noses at those who practice
the eastern religions, who protect cows at the expense of people.
Isn't it time for the liberals to look into a mirror? Let them see people
who can protect rats while they help kill babies. ------------------
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Copyright 1995,6,7,8,1999,2000,2001 Ralph E. Brandt, York PA
Hillcrest Woman's Clinic in York PA
But thou, when thou prayest, enter into thy closet, and
when thou hast shut thy door, pray to thy Father which is in secret; and
thy Father which seeth in secret shall reward thee openly. (Matthew 6:6
And some time later the clinic closed for financial reasons.
Abortion -- Safe?
Abortion -- Bounty Hunting
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