I am a journalist living in Poland in a small town (a village, to be precise) near Warsaw. My own views are not really much revolutionary (I am far from being trotskyist or anarchist, just a modest democratic socialist), but in XIX century Europe or in contemporary Latin America they would certainly be. And I just cannot help enjoying reading in general, and about revolutions in particular.
I am now working in The Biggest And The Most Influential Newspaper In Poland , which is even less left-wing than me. I'm probably the most radical guy here... but basically I write only about the X-Files, comics and TV cartoons :). I am also editing my own (well, almost my own) irregular magazine ”Lewa Noga”, where I can express my own views. Married... with children (two boys).
I invite you proudly to see The Biggest Achievement Of My Lifetime Journalist Carreer: an interview with the greatest Polish novelist, Stanislaw Lem.
Another pretty good thing to read here is an interview with Peter Greenaway, the famous British filmmaker.
Some pieces written by me were also put by various people on their own pages. You can find the links here, but it's all in Polish! Bardzo mi przykro :-)
I am neither English native-speaker, nor a HTML-expert, and I shall greatly appreciate all comments on my English and on this page design. All politically engaged letters with cheers, flames, congratulations or counterstatements are also welcomed.
Send them here: igel2@geocities.com. Just in case try also those addresses: igel@hotmail.com or perhaps igel@polbox.com. At least one of them should work, I hope.
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