Counterparts' Members-in-Memoriam

Counterparts' Members-in-Memoriam Roster

Counterparts/Thựóng Hũu Ðông Nam Á is an association of persons who served honorably as civilian or military advisors in Southeast Asia (Cambodia, Laos, Malaysia, Thailand, Vietnam) during the Second Indochina War (1954 to 1975). Included, among others, are Special Forces, MACV, Naval Advisory Group, CAP Marines, Air Force "Ravens", men who served in dedicated direct combat support capacities to advisors, Australian Army Training Team Vietnam (AATTV), as well as their counterparts.

The Members-in-Memoriam Roster is an effort to list all of those advisors and their counterparts who were killed in action, are missing in action, perished in re-education camps or have died since returning from Southeast Asian duty. We remember all of these men and women and shall never forget their Sacrifice.

We welcome additions, corrections or further information about any of the names listed in these pages. Please send all information and comments to Mike McMunn, Counterparts Members-in Memoriam

Special "Thanks" for contributions to this listing go to Gary Roush, Vietnam Helicopter Pilots Association, Bill Laurie, and Constance Menefee.

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Go To Roster Listing Q - S
Go To Roster Listing T - W
Go To Roster Listing X - Z

Updated November 3, 2008