Official US Army Photo

"Welcome Home"

This Home Page is dedicated to the memory of the more than 58,249 men and women who died in Vietnam. Their sacrifices should NEVER be forgotten. My primary interest in creating this page is to disseminate information of interest to military veterans and others, with a particular emphasis on veterans of the Vietnam War. I am proud to say that I am one of more than 2,700,000 men and women who served in Vietnam. No American war (save the American Civil War) was as divisive to our country. For a wide variety of information about the Vietnam War, including maps, photographs, personal accounts, poetry, locators and databases, please visit the Vietnam Veterans Home Page. (The photo above pictures the insertion of an element of the 1st Air Cavalry Division. Official US Army photo.)

From 1970 to 1971 I served in the United States Army as a military advisor with Military Assistance Command, Vietnam, (MACV), Advisory Team 70. Advisory Team 70 was assigned to duty with the 5th Infantry Division, Army of the Republic of Vietnam at Lai Khe in III Corps.

I now belong to Counterparts, an association of advisors to Southeast Asia. Counterparts is always looking for members and I am always looking for anyone who was assigned to Team 70.

I currently live in Williamsport, Pennsylvania in the north central part of the state. Nestled along the Susquehanna River the surrounding area has some of the best hunting, fishing, hiking and canoeing in Pennsylvania.

One of my interests is serving on my local Selective Service Board. I have long believed that a strong defense is in the best interest of our country and the Selective Service System is a means of insuring that our Nation can react quickly to foreign military threats. If there are vacancies on your local Board I encourage you to volunteer and get involved. Local Board Members are uncompensated volunteers. Your time expenditures will be minimal and, in event of a national defense emergency, you can be assured that you will play a vital part in the effort.

Qualifications to serve as a Board Member are minimal:

The fact that the Cold War is over has not diminished the need to protect our shores or to protect the interests of our allies around the world. The events of September 11, 2001, our government's fight against terrorism in Afghanistan and Iraq, should be warning enough that our Country must be prepared for any eventuality. Your involvement is also necessary to assure that the young men who are eligible for induction are treated fairly under the Selective Service System regulations.

If you're a young man, age 18 through 25, and are living INSIDE the United States or its territories, or if you have an APO/FPO address, you can register with Selective Service by clicking on the button below.

I am proud of my Army service and believe that everyone who served in the Army should be proud, too. I also serve as a volunteer Ambassador with Freedom Team Salute, an official recognition program of the United States Army.

Mike McMunn

Links to other sites here and on the Web

United States Army Home Page

World War I

Korean War Project

Air Commando Association

"Ordered to Vietnam. . ." My Tribute to Two Men of the 1st Cavalry Division

Counterparts Association "Members-in-Memoriam" Roster

The Vietnam Veterans Moving Wall Coming soon 2009 Schedule Online

ARVN Major General Nguyen Van Hieu TributeFormer Commanding General, 5th ARVN Infantry Division

National World War II Memorial Website Post a Remembrance of someone who served during World War II

Combat Magazine The literary expression of battlefield touchstonesTM

Private Albert Ralph Campbell, USMC, Congressional Medal of Honor A Biography of a Boxer Rebellion Marine

Honor a U.S. Army Veteran

Rest in Peace, Colonel Hackworth

Please visit again soon.

Last updated January 14, 2009.

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