Welcome Home Liberal!
BrettCody.com is pleased to present our
newest look for our website! We've taken a
few months off from the political fight, but
we are back and ready to get down to the
business of presenting this Liberal
As you look around our new home, let us know
if there is something you hate, or something
you just love. Either way, we want to hear
your thoughts and comments.
Just send us an email at
We are ready to accept your contributions to
our site again. If you have a Liberal story
you would like to see on the site, please
send it to us via email
You may include pictures and/or
graphics. Keep in mind, all submissions
become the property of BrettCody.com and may
or may not be used.
are happy to say, "YES
is working on yet another free gift from this
company. We are going for the Apple IPOD this
time, and you can help us get one, and get one
for yourself in the process...
All you need to do is join with this link:
After you join, you will see several pages of
offers, you do not have to accept any of these,
you can simply say no - unless of course you are
really interested in one of them. When you
complete the registration, check your email for
a confirmation. Click on the link in the email
to verify your account. Then start getting your
own referrals! It's that easy! We'll even post
your referral link on our site for you! Just
send us the link!

Fourteen Democrats broke rank and voted with the
Credit Card companies to make it harder for the
working man to file bankruptcy. Write these
Democrats and tell them how disappointed you are
in their vote!
(DE), Byrd (WV), Carper (DE), Conrad (ND),
Johnson (SD), Kohl (WI), Landrieu (LA),
Lieberman (CT), Lincoln (AR), Nelson (FL),
Nelson (NE), Pryor (AR), Salazar (CO), Stabenow
bill was a payback to MBNA, the largest Credit
Card Company and the largest contributor to the
Republican Party! This bill will bring back
Debtor Slavery.
Write your congressman
Vote Rigging Scandal
(Clint) Curtis
claims to have been asked by U.S.
Congressman Tom Feeney (R-FL) to design a
"vote-rigging software prototype".
After informing YEI CEO Mrs. Li-Woan Yang
that he would not be able to hide the
vote-flipping routines in the software
source-code as Feeney had requested, Curtis
testified that Mrs. Yang informed him that
the program was needed to "rig the vote in
South Florida"...
Take Action to Protect Social Security
Democrats in Congress are unified in the
fight to protect Social Security, and you
can help them by letting them know you are
standing behind them. Sign our petition to
let Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, and all the
Democrats in Congress know that they have
your support in the fight to stop President
Bush's risky plan to privatize Social
Sign the petition...
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