The purpose of Red Piranha - Socialist Information Pages is to collect information about the history, leadership and current politics of left-wing parties and movements around the world. The opinions presented represents the personal opinion of the author. If you have suggestions, corrections or questions please send them to the webmaster.

If you like to add a group, you can do it using this form.

Also, I'd like to recommend the following sities; Leftist Parties of the World and Jay's Leftist and Progressive Internet Resources Directory

Note: You can still get access to the old version of this page, with the extensive linklist, by clicking here.


Socialist Alternative


Danmarks Kommunistiske Parti (Communist Party of Denmark)
Danmarks Kommunistiske Parti  ML (Communist Party of Denmark ML)
Enhedslisten - de rød-grønne (Unity List - the red-greens)
Fælles Kurs (Commun Course)
Internationale Socialister (International Socialists)
Kommunistisk Arbejderparti (Communist Workers' Party, 1968-1994)
Kommunistisk Parti i Danmark (Communist Party in Denmark)
Oktober (October)
Rød Ungdom (Red Youth)
Socialistisk Arbejderparti (Socialist Workers' Party)
Socialistisk Folkeparti (Socialist People's Party)
Venstresocialisterne (Left Socialists)



Liga Obrera Comunista (Communist Workers' League)
Partido Comunista de los Pueblos de España (Communist Party of the Peoples of Spain)
Partido Comunista Obrero Español (Spanish Communist Workers' Party)
Partit Comunista Obrer de Catalunya (Communist Workers' Party of Catalonia)

Arbetarenhet (Workers' Unity)
Arbetarlistan (Workers' List)
Arbetarlistan Alternativ (Workers' List - Alternative)
Arbetarmakt (Workers' Power)
Bolsjevik-Fraktionen (Bolshevik Fraction, 1979-?)
Demokratiska Välfärdspartiet (Democratic Welfare Party)
Folkdemokraterna (Popular Democrats)
Förbundet Arbetarfront (Workers' Front League)
Förbundet för ett Revolutionärt Parti (League for a Revolutionary Party)
För varaktig fred, för folkdemokrati (For lasting peace, for people's democracy)
Internationella Kommunistiska Strömmingen (International Communist Current)
Kommunistiska Enhetsgruppen (Communist Unity Group, 1975-77)
Kommunistiska Förbundet (Communist League)
Kommunistiska Partiet i Sverige (Communist Party in Sweden, 1982-?)
KPML(r) (Communist Party Marxist-Leninists (the revolutionaries))
Marxist-Leninistiska Kampförbundet (Marxist-Leninist Struggle League 1970-1981)
Rebellrörelsen (Rebel Movement, 1968-?)
Revolutionära Socialistiska Partiet (Revolutionary Socialist Party, 1950-?)
Rättviselistan (Justice List, 1995)
Rättvisepartiet Socialisterna (Justice Party the Socialists)
Socialistiska Förbundet (Socialist League, 1967-1969)
Socialistiska Förbundet (Socialist League)
Socialistiska Partiet (Socialist Party)
Socialistiska Partiet (Socialist Party, 1929-1945)
Sverges Socialdemokratiska Vänsterparti (Social Democratic Left Party of Sweden, 1921-23)
Sveriges Kommunistiska Arbetareförbund (Communist Labour League of Sweden, 1956-1967)
Sveriges Kommunistiska Arbetarförbund (Communist Workers' League of Sweden, 1977-?)
Sveriges Kommunistiska Arbetarparti (Communist Workers' Party of Sweden, 1980-?)
Sveriges Kommunistiska Parti (Communist Party of Sweden)
Sveriges Kommunistiska Parti (Communist Party of Sweden, 1967-?)
Vänsterpartiet (Left Party)
Vänstersocialistiska Partiet (Left Socialist Party, 1940-1963)