Mike Stark, Police Officer
Born March 30, 1977
Passed April 22, 2003
Killed in the line of duty
(click above for memorial)
Officer Down Memorial Page
Born January 4, 1976
Passed April 5, 2003
(click above for memorial page)
As of 03-01-2007 I am now providing two police scanner feeds to ScanFulton.com, Click link to be taken to the page.
Man Gets stuck in river, Has to be rescued (in pictures)
My yahoo screen name is: Stark148
You can reach me through my skype account as well. It is msstark2. If I am around I will usually answer it.
Speed Test Results for my ISP Bellsouth DSL EXTREME
Check out the book a buddy of mine wrote. Click below for details on odrering .
A five second moment of silence is asked of everyone who views this
page, for the last officer who has lost his life in the line of duty
protecting the innocent, as well as the guilty.
Go to Downed officer page.
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