"He who dares not offend cannot be honest."- Thomas Paine
I'm doing some major remodeling on this page. Sorry it's taking so long.
It's just been a wild and crazy life. Anyhoo, until this page is up and running again, I ask you to visit my blog page, Dee Blogs. Where is it, you ask?
Here it is:papatin.blogspot.com.
Here is some other sick stuff you can find on this site.....
Dee's Links:Cool sites for you to visit....according to me.
Dee Photo Gallery: Pictures from the Rusty One
Frequently Asked Questions:Enquring minds want to know...
Dee's Record Stax:What I like to listen to...
Dee Babe Gallery:A look at some women in the public eye that look pretty good....
Dee Book Shelf: Some of the most influencial books on the Tinman's bookshelf.....
If you have a question,comment,compliment or criticism,send it to the E-mail address below. I'd like to thank the good folks at Geocities for hooking me up with this WWW site. You guys don't know how much I appreciate this forum.
Updated Sunday August 29, 2004
© 2004 Demetrius Jones