
The foreign element is like the salt in the soup

- but who likes a oversalted soup? (Horst Mahler)



ARD, German Television,

Sabine Christiansen, Jan. 10, 1999:


How can we Germans eliminate ourselves in the fastest way?

The ARD-discussion show "Sabine Christiansen" from Jan. 10, 1999 debated the subject of the double citizenship for Turks and other nationals in Germany, as proposed by the SPD and the GREEN-party, and, supposedly, opposed by the two catholic parties of CDU and CSU.

It was interesting to see what incompetent human material the CDU is relying upon. Christian Wulff (a CDU high rank) tried everything to assure his opponents in the studio that the petition against dual-citizenship for foreigners, e.g. Turks, has no serious meaning after all. The CDU and CSU would not collect any signatures for a plebiscite, but they prefer to determine the opinions of the people themselves. According to Wulff, the CDU would like to use their own

opinion poll to widen the immigration policies for foreigners to enter Germany.

This is just another bluff by the CDU/CSU as practiced by them over the past 16 years when they betrayed the German people whilst in government. As a good multi-cultural democrat that he is, Mr. Wulff had his words cut-off and was even insulted by the Turkish discussion participant, Renan Demirkan. We Germans have come a long way in our own country. We have to listen to, like a Mr. Wulff, who dares to proclaim leadership of our people to lead us into the future, who is so weak in character that he can sit and endure insults and ridicule from a Turkish woman in front of millions of TV-viewers.

Mr. Wulff did not tire in his reassurance of the audience, that the CDU (the party of ex-chancellor Helmut Kohl), of course, wants more foreigners - but "firmly integrated" in the land for the enrichment of Germany's culture. But what is the CDU going to do, when integration is not achievable, which has already been proven many times over? It is impossible to integrate millions of Islamic Turks and other non-Europeans and make Germans out of them. Turks, who want to be integrated, are the exception and are despised by their own people.

"Islam isolates. Islam has its own agenda. The few Turks in Berlin are just as afraid as Öscan Mutlu, who went before the TV-cameras, and spoke openly about integration problems. They all fear the Fundamentalists, who apply pressure, coerce and even persecute those who do not adhere to Islam." (TV-report "Kontraste" July 9, 1998)

Therefore, the new "Berliner Republic" will become more and more a Turkish territory. After we have just experienced Kosovo, Kurdistan and Afghanistan like situations, those wimps like Wulff and Schäuble, will they continue to dream of a racial integration "fairy land"? When it is patently obvious that in every corner of the globe, racial wars are breaking out. And big-mouth Edmund Stoiber (Prime Minister of Bavaria) will propably not remember his own statement:

"The dual-citizenship is more dangerous than the RAF (Red Army Faction) terrorism."

Of course, we can only agree, it will be worse than RAF-terrorism, worse than Kosovo, Kurdistan, Afghanistan, Palestine etc. However, it will come to this result anyway, with or without so-called integration, regardless of what type of passport foreigners will have – German or otherwise. Cultural wars are the trademark of a multicultural society.

The dream of integration is being pushed by the despicable "Blacks" (the Catholic parties of CDU and CSU) around Kohl since the end of the 70's. What they have created for us is nothing more than the daily occurrences of multi-cultural crime, misery and open fear to the local citizens in the streets.

The only person in that discussion who spoke openly was Miss Demirkan, who hissed like a reptile at Wulff, to cease with his integration-prattle. She lectured him: "A multiculture cannot be dissolved like instant-coffee." Consequently, this Turkish woman pleaded for a Turkish state within Germany. She propagated Turkish racism without a word of protest from the other participants. And, as a new "German" with a German passport besides her Turkish passport, why is she pleading Turkish interests? She is, after all, a "German" TV-star. Not even she, although in a high profile position (with a "German" passport, feels as like a German). She thinks, feels and acts like a Turk, against vital German interests.

Mr. Huber from the CSU leadership in Bavaria made a weak attempt to point out that the poverty-ghettos in France, where foreign people with French passports live, has become a no-go area for real Frenchmen. At this point the entire anti-German gang in that discussion forum immediately jumped up. Huber was simply yelled down by these screaming elements, their faces totally disfigured with expressions of hate. The aims of the CSU were now in plain view, they screamed. The FDP-Secretary Westerwelle topped it all by saying, 'thank God', the coalition with that party is finally over.

What Huber in his fear of the media neglected to say was that the Kurds, so to speak, had a Turkish "passport" for the past 1000 years and still had to fight against the oppressive Turks. And now, a passport is to turn a Turk into a German while the Turks could not turn a Kurd into a Turk in a 1000 years?


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