Welcome to
statement of purpose
The purpose of this organization is to provide a forum for political involvement, follow the principles of the Republican Party, provide a base of suppoer for the Republican Party and Republican candidates, provide speakers and programs for the benefit of members and the general public, promote a better understanding of Republicanism in the community, encourage leadership and provide a forum for candidates before the primary and general elections.
calendar of events
May 20 ~ Candidates for Grayson County Commissioner John Merkl and Dale Rideout will speak and respond to questions.
July 4 ~ SGCRC is sponsoring a bicycle decorating contest for the Van Alstyne 4th of July parade.
July 24 ~ Annual spaghetti supper from 4 to 8 pm at the community. Fund raiser.
what's happening and other tidbits
Bob is selecting a nominating committee. It's time to elect officers again. * Bob Bishop got a big bill front the court after the lawsuit brought by Larry Ashley. Now Bob is having to pay $8000 for having the nerve to run for justice of the peace. the club will be discussing ways to help him pay this outrageous bill. Any fundraising ideas will receive a warm welcome.
President ~ Robert Towers
Vice President ~ Janet McDonald
Secretary ~ Judy Bower
Treasurer ~ Dale Rideout

County Chairman ~ Clyde Siebman

Outstanding Republicans elected to office in Grayson County since the club was formed.
Governor ~ George W. Bush
Lt. Governor ~ Rick Perry
Texas State Representative ~ Ron Clark
District Judge ~ Rim Nall
Sheriff ~ Keith Gary
(to be updated later)
e-mail address: sgcrc@geocities.com