movement is one method of renewal in the church. In purpose is to help
those in the church to understand their individual calling to be Christian
leaders. This leadership may be exercised in work situations, in the
family and social life, in leisure activities as well as within the
goal of Cursillo is the goal of the church; to bring all to
Christ. This is done when informed, trained leaders set out with the
support of others having a similar commitment. Cursillo seeks to
accomplished this by:
- Identification of potential environmnets
or situations to be influenced by the Gospel and the identification of
leaders or potential leaders within environments,
- the three day Cursillo
weekend and
- The follow-up support
system which focuses attention on Christian action.
weekend are organized with men one weekend followed by women the next.
These weekends take place at the Episcopal Camp and
Conference Center in Live Oak (Florida).
Calendar Of Events
Cursillo Literature

- Brian Grover Candlelight
- New Recording and Web Site from The Choral Majority gospel choir
- THE FOURTH DAY! This premiere worship recording from OFM features classic songs and hymns of faith, plus six new songs from New England songwriters, inspired by the Cursillo movement!
- Sue Carmichael Fly Like A Butterfly ©
- Pat Robson % Alan Jackson Meal Blessing

Merchandise &
- AUTOM - Phoenix, Arizona
- Canterbury Pewter - Fredericksburg, Virginia
- Carolina Rainbow - Carolina Beach, North Carolina
- DeColores Depot - Tahoe Vista, California
- Jack's Regilious Gift Shop - Salisbury, Maryland
- © Oriental Trading Company Inc. © - Omaha, Nebraska
- Parable.Com
- Swanson - Murfreesboro, Tennessee
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