In a crisis situation, the only way out is through strong moral leadership. Christian weightlifting gives young men and women the tools they needs to be role models for troubled youngsters in a world gone mad. In Christian weightlifting, we take a holistic approach to faith and personal growth reinforced by special attention to the body. What better way to strengthen the temple that is the body, than through weightlifting. Special emphasis will be given to training others interested in developing their faith and physique at the same time. Weightlifting teaches mental and physical discipline not attainable through other sports. It burns off tension and improves one's health and self-esteem. And we feel that we can channel the strength that comes from that discipline into an unshakable faith in Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
Our weekly college-style course of study, once implemented, will include but not be limited to expert advice in the following topics: Accident Prevention, Ancient World and Weightlifting, Artistic Interpretations of Weightlifting, Audio / Visual Presentations of Technique, Backs & Bi's, Balanced Incremental Control, Being a Team Player, Biblical References to Exercise and Training, Chest & Tri's, Circle of Influence, Choosing a Church, Codevelopment, Cognitive Linking of Weightlifting and Faith, Community Involvement, Competitions, Competitive Strategies, Consultation-Image, Consultation-Spiritual, Continuity, Continuous Flexibility, Correctional Facilities - Implementing Our Program In, Drugs - What's Illegal & What's Not, Education - Improvement, Environmental Concerns, Faith, Faith and Sports, Faith and Famous Athletes, Focusing, Forearms like Popeye, Gangs and Weightlifting, Goals and Objectives, General Health & Welfare, Image Consulting, Incentives, Increasing Your Performance, Integrated Physical Analysis, Interdependence, Language Arts, Legs & Shoulders, Machines vs. Weights, Make Money Selling Supplements-Multilevel Marketing, Martial Arts and Weightlifting, Manhandling the Media, Meditation, Megatrends, Miscellaneous Issues Affecting the Sport, Movers & Shakers in the Sport, New Age Philosophy and Weightlifting, Nutrition, Nutritional Supplements and You, Personal Development, Personal Enrichment, Personal Growth, Personal Integrity, Philanthropy, Political Activism, Positive Reinforcement, Priorities, Prisoner's Perspectives, Proactive Goals, Power, Power-Increasing Strategies, Powerlifting, Responsive Flexibility, Social Activism, Spotting tips, Status, The Steroids Question, Surgery, Synergy, Systematized Reaction Capability, Testing - "Stay the Best, Beat the Test," Staying Ahead Of Trends, Value Clarification, Value Renewal, Youth Involvement, Youth Training.
Thanks and check back soon for updated info on courses and the political section. Moe G.