Richard Dean Cook

Richard Dean Cook
"Telling Bird" Southwestern Artisit & Writer
Forensic Scientist,Writer & Public Speaker

Richard began his medical/legal career in the '60s, as a U.S. Army Burn Research Nurse, during the Viet Nam Conflict. Later, he practiced as an Emergency, Coronary and Psychiatric Nurse at various civilian hospitals in New Mexico and Texas. In 1976, he received his degree in Forensic/Mortuary Sciences from Dallas Institute of Forensic & Mortuary Sciences, Baylor Medical Complex, Dallas, Texas. While attending college, he was offered a field investigator trainee position, along side Dr. Charles Petty (the Father of Modern Forensic Medicine) at the Dallas County Medical Examiner's Office. After graduation, he returned to New Mexico and became a field investigator for the state of New Mexico and a contract mortician for two Albuquerque mortuaries. In 1983, the U.S. Navy Medical Department contacted him to reactivate and become a Navy Field Medical Investigator/Mortician. He retired from the U.S. Navy in 1991. Mr. Cook also is an active and much sought after public speaker on the subject of Forensic Investigations and their relationship to other allied fields (Worker Compensation, Industrial Safety, etc).
*****NOTICE- Mr. Cook is no longer taking Speaking engagements. Thank you for taking the time to visit his page!*****

Apart from these requests, Richard spends most of his free time as one of New Mexico's Southwestern Theme Artists and writers. Other web sites where he may be found are at

his gallery page at:
" "

his homepage at:

You may contact Mr. Cook at:

for requests and correspondence.

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