Welcome to the Complaints Central Complaints Forum. You may complain about anything whether it be political or personal, but before you enter the forum I would like to make sure that I lay out a few ground rules.
This list was last updated on February 1, 1999. If you have read the rules on or after February 1, 1999 then you will be able to skip reading them unless you feel you need a refresher.
- Do not advertise! If I see any advertisements they will be removed immediately. A complaint about nobody visiting your site and a listing of your url will be considered an adertisement. If you give an acceptable complaint and list your url at the end then that is ok.
- Do not use profanity! An intelligent individual can complain in a civilized manner without using profanities. Remember that profanities are used to cover up a small vocabulary.
- Protect Privacy! If you are not complaining about a celebrity or an elected government official then do not list full names. If you want to complain about your mother-in-law then make up a first name and call her by that.
- Keep it clean! I am not talking about litter or recycling. I am talking about sexually explicit language. Remember young children will also have access to this forum, and they do not need to be exposed to such things. If you invite anyone to suck something it had better be a beverage through a straw.
- Keep it legal! Do not complain about your homemade bombs not working, and do not threaten to damage anyone's health, life, or property.
- You will not be able to add HTML to any post so don't try it.
- I reserve the right to remove any post from this forum at any time for any reason that I see fit. I also reserve the right to change these guidelines at any time without notice as I see fit.
- All posts are automatically removed after 60 days. I have no control over this.
You can still make a very valid complaint while following these guidelines. Let me assure you that I will not remove a post because of your stance on an issue, and I will only remove posts because of the language used.
By clicking on the button below you acknowledge that you have read the guidlines and agree to abide by them.