... Gerardus Offers ... Letters of Light in Light Articles - Essays - Goodies ( Beware - Gerardus' imagination is a lot bigger than his Truth - Beware )
The following are several short Metaphysical Articles. The Articles were a lot of fun to write and yes, also a lot of work. Most of them have been written in the last three years or so. The remainder of my writing is much older. I tried to be as clear as possible for the beginner and hope that the advanced student find them interesting also. Articles are randomly listed...
Articles with exclamation marks are by Gerardus
! Introduction & Summation !
- 01 -
This article is an Introduction as well as a Summation of my latest ideas. You might find this essay all you need to get the picture. Naturally, you are most welcome to read all my writing, especially my Poems and the Cosmic Cookies. They all have their own particular Charm and Truth. My Truth that is! It might help you to create your own...
! ? Questions ? Questions ? !
- 02 -
A myriad of metaphysical questions and answers dealing with the illusive aspects of God, Life, the Universe and Mankind. No doubt many of your questions will be answered here. Please let the answers pass through your mind very lightly and remember to smile...
! The Realization of Self !
- 03 -The story of Gerardus and his Soul. Did Gerardus know before hand who or what he was going to be? Is this indeed possible? Is this a reliable account? Feel free to judge for yourself. Truth is an Individual Thing!
! The One Thing Sublime !
- 04 -Are we here to pierce the illusionary nature of the physical? Who or what really are we? And who put us on this planet? Where does God enter this picture... and what does God really do? One of my best articles by far! Read it and see for yourself...
! Tale of Two Forces !
- 05 -Deals with the many UFO Forces that come to our planet. Discusses the realities of Time and Space and our illusionary environment without becoming too illusive. I called it a genuine masterpiece and some people called it the work of a genius - how could I disagree? An absolute must! Eleven pages...
! The Universe... and You !
- 06 -Why do we have so many religions? Are God and Mankind both evolving and are we therefore an infinitely growing Consciousness? Come face to face with the God You Are by looking into the mirror and define God the easy way. If you don't - who will?
! A Celebration of Choices ! - 07 -Lighthearted view of my life before birth. Our life is like writing a book. However, we continually write between the lines and improve upon our story - lifetime after lifetime. Will we ever finish this story and who is going to read it? Big question indeed. Only the Editor knows...
! Man the Infinite Creator !
- 08 -Short essay about the greatness of Man the Creator. Let's suppose, that all our lifetimes are really dreams. And that all our dreams are real! How do we ever awaken? And if we do - what does this really mean?
! It is a very unique Treasure !
- 09 -Our bodies are containers - containers for Souls to live in. We live in these containers in order to experience our physical creation. We have a new container or body for each lifetime. Would you like to live in a body that is nearly perfect? Does that require Selective Breeding. Something to think about. Or is it possible to create perfect bodies while we live in them? Hmmm... Interesting...
! The Internet and the Universe ! - 10 -The infinite Force of the Universe has incarnated into a finite environment - the matter world. It experiments with matter and creates all kinds of things including the Internet. Are we the very Creators of the Internet and of the Universe? I would say yes! What do you say? See you in Cyberspace...
! The Merry-Go-Round of God ! - 11 -Suppose now that all of us are Winds and the Air is God. So, here we are - Northern Winds, Southern Winds, Western Storms, Alaskan Blizzards, Summer Heatwaves, Evening Breezes, Morning Coolness, etc. etc. What really are we then? Aren't we just Air - moving? So, as Mankind
then, aren't we all just God - moving and doing our thing? Is it all that simple? Boy, I sure wish it was! But then, one never knows and anything is possible...
! The Time Lords and their Pulses ! - 12 -For heavy Thinkers only. Discussions about Absolute Truth - Individual Truth - and whether or not they are the same. Then what? Also deals with parallel universes and other infinitely tiny niftinesses. Bring your thinking cap, a smart friend and a sandwich...
! ? Are we lost in Virtual Reality? ! - 13 -More Virtual Realities? Mankind in his creative endeavors is creating another virtual reality not realizing that he already lives in one. Is Mankind on its way to completely lose itself in some kind of technological quagmire? Is all this a set-up?
! The Soul-Mind and the Body-Mind ! - 14 -Man is basically two Beings. A Soul-Being and a Body-Being. These two Beings make up the Human Being. Therefore, we basically have two different Minds. These two Minds merge for one Lifetime. To direct and control the inherited Body-Mind is a great art for the Soul. In a real sense, we are a House divided or have two Masters - naturally only one is able to rule!
! What is Metaphysics? #1 !
- 15 -Detailed metaphysical discussions - questions and answers. These Articles are profound and worth your while. Recently updated and a excellent read for sure. Read, copy and share them with a wizard...
! What is Metaphysics? #2 !
- 16 -Detailed metaphysical discussions - questions and answers. These Articles are profound and worth your while. Recently updated and a excellent read for sure. Read, copy and share them with a wizard or two...
! What is Metaphysics? #3 !
- 17 -Detailed metaphysical discussions - questions and answers. These Articles are profound and worth your while. Recently updated and a excellent read for sure. Read, copy and share them with a family of wizards...
! My Very First Home Page !
- 18 -In 1993 Rene Mueller asked me if he could put some of my writing on the Web. I did not even know what it was and for a long time I could not even look at it. Well, he found some Essays, some of my Cosmic Cookies and here it is - my first Home Page... Excellent indeed!
! Neat Narrow Notes !
- 19 -Collection of One or Two Liners that might hit you three weeks later. Some are very profound and others are the outcasts of cyber-space. Love them... like them... or leave them. Whatever you do - smile! But don't crack your face...
! God Speaks !
- 20 -By all means, find out what this is all about. You might encounter a pleasant surprise and on the other hand, you might be disappointed. I don't know what you expect, but I did my best to make it enjoyable. I dedicated this article to: "The Spirit of Mankind Universally in all their Humanness and Greatness" ... So Be It!
! Our World - Our Creation ! - 21 -The following is a summation of several discussions from an email-list and I have tried to keep it as original as possible. Somehow, I thought some of you might like it. On the other hand - one person is enough. My thoughts are expressed in my usual splendid fashion. Boy, this man sure likes to blow his own horn...<;)= Smiley is laughing - Hahahhaahha Hhah Hahhaaha! =(;>
! Gods in the Making !
- 22 -This writing is an essay on the issues of emotions, feelings and the philosophy of how we got here and why! Since some readers might be subjected to a "spiritual shock" because of this material, I have introduced a certain jolliness, jokes and some goofiness in order to soften the blow. The more prudent attitude would be, not to believe one single iota of my work. I've never been absolutely right all the time anyway. So, have an open mind. It comes in handy!
! Genuine Gerardian Goodies ! - 23 -Some people have suggested that I have my own Gerardian Philosophy. Well... how could that be? It is millions of years old! I just wrapped some of my own little words around these ideas. Wow - I do not even understand some of it. Hahhaha... Hahhaa... hhaha... Anyway, here are some carefully picked and ripened Genuine Gerardian Goodies...
! The Apple of Eve and Eve ! - 24 -Mighty powerful little article that deals with the Invisible Reality of the Universe and the lack of an Objective Reality. Mighty puzzling... yet clear. Definitely worth your while! Go for it - Now...
! What Is... Is !
- 25 -Better sit down before you click above! This is my latest summation about Human Life on Planet Earth. Plenty of stuff to write home about and tell the children. Definitely... they should know. The way to tell them however, depends on you! Not an easy subject and not a very common knowledge to share. This however does not make it less true! Keep your glasses on, your eyes might fall out...
~ WoW - Woofs of Wisdom - WoW ~ - 26 -Sayings from Jesus, Buddha, Lao Tzu and many other wise Masters have been entered here. No doubt you'll like these entries. Guess who has the last word or two...?
~ Ascension - Life of Joy ~
- 27 -An article channeled by Laurie Gilmore on the Ascension as explained by Metatron. There are many speculations about our Ascension. This version is a most valuable addition to the many possible realities of our graduation. Clear and concise. I like it! Is it true...?
~ Ariel Speaking Here ~ Archangel Ariel speaks about the changes to the different bodies in these present times. Most important to read and say: Aha! Is that what it is. This article directly coincides with the above article and confirms many realities about our ascension and/or changes in our expression...
~ Dimensional Transcendence ~ - 28 -Here are the notes I took when I followed a course in 1980/81. They contain the many changes the 'Race of Man' will go through in the following decades. This
includes the Transcendence of Mankind to the Fourth and Fifth Dimension or Density. Very interesting and prophetic!
~ God Given Talents ~ - 29 -A beautiful rendition of the many different gifts and talents given to Humanity by God according to the Zodiac. Superb interpretation. Yes! Read, copy and share... Author: Anonymous.
~ Conversation with Nostradamus ~ - 30 -Summation of several Sources that speak about the Photon Belt as our future environment and its many possibilities. This is not to be taken lightly and neither ought this to be taken as truth because it sounds so good. To Be Here Now and to be your Self is my motto. Do not forget to read this one! (About 90 kbytes) Author: Goro Adachi. Thank You Goro!
~ Don Allen - Star Warriors ~ - 31 -Foreword by Don Allen. The following papers are not my opinion, they are the opinion of Robert Morningsky, a Hopi / Apache dancer who came to Australia for the Warana Festival, Brisbane, Queensland. He is an activist for his people and other natural inhabitants in their native bands.
~ The Datre Files ~
- 32 -This is a special link directly to the Datre Files. I find the Datre Material excellent, howewer I cannot judge for you. The Datre Groups claims that Seth is an aspect of their group-consciousness. The same thing has also been claimed by other channelers. The universe is full of miracles and contradictions. Maybe it is up to us to figure them all out our own way in our own time...
~ TriLite Posts To Remember ~ - 33 -TriLite was an open New Age Philosophy Email List and some of the most memorable posts are shown here! Nothing to sneeze at for sure. Shining Images of the I AM at work. Superb! Any further introduction is redundant...
~ The Farsight Institute Letter ~ - 34 -Don't forget to read this important Document. If possible share this letter with your friends and a small enemy or two. The world is full of things we know next to nothing about...
~ Why A New Age, Anyway? ~ - 35 -My wife Ellen found the article among my old stuff. Yes, I remembered and kept it for it was so good! In any case, here it is. Excellent for People who think they already know everything and other Beginners. Yes, this includes me most of all...
~ SNAC Letters ~ - 36 -Every Month I receive the SNAC Letters from Andy Lutts. Many of them are excellent indeed! Don't take everything as true however. Read and Enjoy... And yes - pass it on!!
~ The Cosmic Hierarchy ~
- 37 -Most Important Reading. Highly recommended without any further intro! Re-affirms what I have read by others in 1980/81 (Gerardus). Thank you Karen - Thank you Carol...
~ Ego - The False Center ~
- 38 -From the opening notes: The first thing to be understood is what ego is. A child is born. A child is born without any knowledge, any consciousness of his own self. And when a child is born the first thing he becomes aware of is not himself; the first thing he becomes aware of is the other. Excellent article... Thank you Osho!
~ The Veil of Tears ~
- 39 -Extremely good article that reflects my views exactly. Please share it with the world of mankind. It's time for every human being in the world to read this. Boy if this was possible - that would be an enormous step forward. Please help! Thank you David...
~ The Global ET Connection - Alex Collier ~ - 40 -If I would take all my Cosmic Cookies and make an article from them - this would be it! This is an extremely good article and a must read. Make sure you don't skip it for it is truly a revelation. Thank you Alex and thanks to our Extra-terrestrial Friends. Read this and do Something! But whatever you do... do not believe all you read...
~ Yada Speaks - People Listen ~ - 41 -More than twenty years ago, I was reading a book that contained a few pages with Yada's Words. Immediately I established contact with the people who channeled Yada. That was the most blessed move I ever made. In my humble estimation, Yada is one of the greatest Masters around and he still inspires me when I think about him or go through his lectures. I hope you will find Yada as fascinating as I did twenty years ago. Skip everything but read these Lectures! And don't be stingy -
buy the Yada Books! Sure Man... ( Buy mine too if you dare. Click right Here... )
~ Edgar Cayce / David Wilcock ~ - 42 -David Wilcock's interest in metaphysical topics goes back almost to the time of his birth. Ever since age 2, Wilcock remembers having dreams of massive, metallic cylinders floating in the sky, along with bizarre psychic synchronicities during the day. At age 5, Wilcock had a spontaneous out-of-body experience that greatly crystallized his quest for the truth behind the question of ESP, metaphysics and consciousness. At age 7, Wilcock read his first full-length adult paperback book about ESP, entitled "How to Make ESP Work for You" by Harold Sherman. This Click is Absolutely Worth it! Guaranteeeeeeed!!
~ Benjamin Creme Speaks ~ - 43 -This article is transcribed from an interview with Benjamin Creme by Rollin Olsen, which took place in November 1994 in Los Angeles. Share International considers that it gives an overview of the basic tenets of esotericism, and should be of particular interest to new readers. Excelent Article. Is it all true? Aha! Watch it Soul...
~ The Cassiopaean Material ~
- 44 - ~ Once you click above it's not likely you'll come back Here ~
If you are really interested in what Life is all about, I suggest you click above and start reading. The Wave series is the best to start with, but do not let me tell you want to read or do. Personally, I have found that what this Group of People brings into the open is of great importance to those who are ready to look infinity in the face and smile. Not a mean feat! So get going and click... or click Not. It's your Life and all I can do for you is point my finger. One thing... please don't faint...
! All About Aliens ! or Other Universal Beings and Their Relationship With Mankind
- 45 - ~ A mosaic of many light and heavy Articles ~As far as I am concerned it is time to investigate what our relationship is with Alien Beings. How many different kinds are there... and what kind is friendly and which kind is not friendly at all? Many writings suggest that our world is under Alien Control and has been for thousands of years. Do Aliens live on this very Earth for thousands and thousands of years and is Mankind unaware of this? Good Question! Some specific sources suggest that we live in a prison from which we can not escape unless we know what to do. Most interesting and certainly worthwhile for YOU to find out what to do about it. Not for Others - but for You!( Emotional maturity is a must before you read this Material )
The Indigo Children
- 46 - ~ Several Articles about the Indigo Children ~
From one of the Articles: The Indigo Children are the forerunners of what will eventually be the norm for the human collective as we progress in our genetic evolution, through Bio-instinctual Response to changing environmental conditions. Challenges presently faced by the Indigo Children will progressively become challenges of the norm, as humanity is now evolving into the genetic acceleration currently exhibited by the Indigo Children. Medical
communities, whose paradigms of treatment area also based upon common physical science theories, have yet to recognize the full spectrum of DNA imprinting function or the direct connection between DNA, consciousness and the
manifestation of disease, and so do not routinely look for such connection sin research and diagnosis. If society is to progress to accommodate the needs of Indigo Children and the general progression of human genetic evolution, these
paradigms will need to expand. There are complimentary alternatives. The evolution of a culture begins with each individual.
~ Weird but True ~ - 47 - ... Click above and have a fit wondering and Laughing ... You will find a collection of wonderful goodies here and other delicious mind Food. No further intro is needed, so go to it and get lost in the weirdness of the world and its wanderers. No doubt the collector had more fun that seven clones at a human laughing orgy... Wow!
~ Spiritual Teachings of a Master ~
- 48 - This work and teachings are an important part of my life and have forever changed the way I look at and think about life. This is the first book from this Master that was ever translated from Italian into English and is a Review for disseminating the Communications received through incorporation trance in the Italian Center Of Parapsychology in Naples (CIP). Gerardus here: When is a Master a Master? Hmmm?? I think the Real Master lives within...
~This is for EveryOne ~ - 49 - ... Nothing I can say will make this better or worse ...A lot of people would have you believe that Mad-Cow-Disease is an English disease. Hooey! Mad-Cow-Disease has been killing American sheep since the early 70's, U.S. cows since the mid-80's, and U.S. citizens for the last decade. The reason that it hasn't been made public is, that the people who had the facts chose to misinterpret them. They are in udder denial! You better read this...
~The Ra Material ~ - 50 - ... Nothing beats The Ra Material ... Stop looking, searching, scrolling, shuffeling, shifting or fooling around. This is it Man! Not too many words will impress you as much as the Ra Material. Get going and don't come back untill you have read it all. What are you waiting for? By golly Man, click that mouse and get there....!
... Valuable Other Viewpoints ...
- 99 -
~ The Sphinx ~
~ Crop Circles ~
~ Crystal Skulls ~
~ Personal Facts ~
~ Faking Miracles ~
~ The Tree of Life ~
~ A Reality Check! ~
~ Illusion & Reality ~
~ Eclipse / Changes ~
~ Words of my Heart ~
~ The DivisionTheory ~
~ What is White Time ~
~ Universal Principles ~
~ The New World Order ~
~ Live a Miraculous Life ~
~ Three Worlds To Live In ~
~ Global Visionary Material ~
~ Contributions to my Pages ~
~ Profound words of Zakairan ~
~ Real Life is Conscious Living ~
~ Earth Link Mission Newsletters ~
~ CNN Larry King / James Van Praagh ~
! The Universe is Love for Itself expressed as What was... What is... What will be !