This is me at age two ....


I'm a Cancer and this is what's being said about us:  

"Why do you think Crabs come equipped with a hard, protective shell? It's because security is of the utmost importance to these folks and that means financial security as well. Cancerians like having money (green must be their favorite color!) and feel especially good when there's a pile of it in the bank No rainy day woes for the cautious Crab! Instinctive as they are and quick to trust their gut, making money comes fairly easily to those born under this Sign, but then it can also be said that that's because they've worked at it, perhaps while no one was looking.

The Crab is an excellent strategist and is quite good at making a pincer movement to close a deal, a natural move for one with some pretty sharp claws. Don't mistake a Cancer for an underachiever - they're working it as much and as well as the next person, albeit in a subtle, low-key manner. The Crab's sensitive nature is readily apparent in business dealings, preferring a non-confrontational approach that protects them as well as those around them. Those born under this Sign may not look like they're out to conquer the world, but in their own way, they're getting a lot of good done. Cancerians are very creative and love family, qualities that can lead to bliss in the workplace if properly merged.

Cancers have the uncanny ability to use their memories as the magic that moves them, so that the potential of what a computer can store is extremely exciting to you. You are able to experience emotions that go far beyond the text faces of colons and brackets :-) and are adamant about keeping in perspective that there are people behind the computers.

Cancers are maternal, domestic and love to nurture others. Cancers will certainly be merry if their home life is serene and harmonious. It's said that Crabs are first to laugh and first to cry, so you can bet they'll fill you in. That shell, by the way, isn't the only tough thing about Crabs. These folks are tenacious and strong-willed and like to get their way. If their well-documented kindness and gentleness doesn't do the trick, however, they're not above using emotional manipulation to make things happen."

... I usually don't take astrology serious, nevertheless I found this to be quite fitting.