Welcome to the home page of Men Against Pornography.

Now available...

Men Speak Out About How They Did It--And Why

An Online Anthology Edited by Men Against Pornography

Men Against Pornography is a group of profeminist men in New York City who want to help create sexual justice and who believe that pornography stands in the way of it. Since our founding in 1984, we have received numerous requests for help in assisting men to deal honestly and openly with pornography. In addition to leading workshops and initiating protests, members of Men Against Pornography have been featured on many local and national TV and radio broadcasts, including Donahue and Sally Jessy Raphael, and in periodicals such as Ms., Changing Men, and The Activist Men's Journal.

PERSONAL STORIES WANTED. We are currently assembling personal accounts by men about quitting pornography. Our plan is to select, edit, and publish an anthology of these stories--in order to share information about techniques and strategies that have worked for men who want to break free of their use of pornography. Your contribution to this project will help fill an urgent and widespread need.

We welcome submissions from all men who have tried to quit pornography. We invite you to tell your truth whatever your age, sexual orientation, political opinion, race, religious belief, or income level. We would appreciate a biographical note describing yourself and stating how you prefer to be identified. If you wish, your writing will be published anonymously. But we ask that you include your name, address, and phone number, so that if your submission is selected we can reach you during the editing process.

TALK ABOUT THE METHOD THAT WORKED BEST FOR YOU. Because we realize that no single way will work for everyone, we hope to present a variety of men's voices detailing a wide variety of methods, including...

YOUR EXPERIENCE IS IMPORTANT. Share your struggles and successes, your relapses and resolve--whether long ago or recent, temporary or long-term. Nonwriters are welcome! Just tape-record your thoughts and send us a transcript. The experience you have to offer may be exactly what some other man needs to hear.


Men Against Pornography
PO Box 150786
Brooklyn, NY 11215-0786

Please send your manuscript typed and double-spaced. Manuscripts not chosen for publication will be returned if you enclose a stamped, self-addressed envelope.

You may also enclose your submission inside an email message and address it to: map-usa@geocities.com.

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