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Laura Rusk - 11/24/99 16:15:01
My Email:Rusk@co.kern.ca.us
Telephone (optional): (661)8685451
SCCA Member?: yes
Area(s) of Expertise:
Felony Criminal Procedures

Barbara Beddow - 10/07/99 21:37:15
My Email:BeddowB@saccourt.com
Telephone (optional): (916)874-5507
SCCA Member?: Yes-Lifer
Area(s) of Expertise:
Civil and Capital Cases

Martie Tillotson - updated 06/30/02 10:05:02
My Email:TillotM@saccourt.com
Telephone (optional): (916)874-5661
SCCA Member?: Yes!
Area(s) of Expertise:
General Trials Writs of Mandate

Sharleen Lozano - updated 05/28/00 14:43:42
My Email:shar4scca@aol.com
Telephone (optional): (510) 670-6380
SCCA Member?: Yes!
Area(s) of Expertise:
Juvenile 602 or 300 WIC

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