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A Simple Translation of The Holy Quran

(with notes on topics of Science)


Chapters 1-57

Chapters 58-114

1.  The Opening

58.  She Who Pleads

2.  The Cow

59.  The Gathering for Exile
3.  The Family of Imran 60.  The Woman to be Examined
4.  The Woman 61.  The Ranks
5.  The Table 62.  The Friday Congregation
6.  The Cattle 63.  The Hipocrites
7.  The Heights 64.  Manifestations of Misappropriations
8.  The Spoils of War 65.  Divorce
9.   Repentance 66.  Holding Something Unlawful
10. Yunus 67.  The Kingdom
11. Hud 68.  The Pen
12. Yusuf 69.  The Truth
13. The Thunder 70.  The Ways of Ascent
14. Ibrahim 71.  Nuh
15. The Rocky Tract 72.  The Jinn
16. The Bee 73.  The Wrapped up
17. The Night Journey 74.  One Covered with Cloth
18. The Cave 75.  The Ressurection
19. Maryam 76.  The Man
20. Taa Haa 77.  Those Sent
21. The Prophets 78.  The News
22. The Pilgrimage 79.  Those who Pull out
23. The Believers 80.  He Frowned
24. The Light 81.  The Winding up
25. The Distinction 82.  The Cleaving
26. The Poets 83.  The Defrauding
27. The Ant 84.  The Slitting Asunder
28. The Narrative 85.  The Galaxies of Star
29. The Spider 86.  The Piercing Star
30. The Romans 87.  The Most High
31. Luqman 88.   The Covering
32. The Prostration 89.  The Dawn
33. The Armies of Enemies 90.  The City
34. Saba 91.  The Sun
35. The Initiator of Creation 92.  The Night
36. Yaa Siin 93.  Brightness of The Day
37. Those who are in Ranks 94.  The Expansion
38. Saad 95.  The Fig
39. The Troops 96.  That which Clings
40. The Believer 97.  Qadr
41. Explained in Detail 98.  The Clear Proof
42. The Counsel 99.  The Quaking
43. The Decoration 100. Those that Move Fast
44. The Smoke 101. The Calamity
45. The Kneeling 102. Rivalry in the World Increase
46. The Sand Hills 103. The Time (Historic)
47. Muhammed 104. The Slander
48. The Victory 105. The Elephant
49. The Private Appartments 106. The Quraysh
50. Qaaf 107. Small Kindness
51. The Scaterers 108. Abundance
52. The Mountain 109. The Infidels
53. The Star 110. The Help
54. The Moon 111. The Flame
55. The Beneficent 112. The Purity
56. The Event 113. The Day Break
57. Iron 114. Mankind